WC_REST_System_Status_V2_Controller::get_theme_info()publicWC 1.0

Get info on the current active theme, info on parent theme (if presnet) and a list of template overrides.

Метод класса: WC_REST_System_Status_V2_Controller{}

Хуки из метода




$WC_REST_System_Status_V2_Controller = new WC_REST_System_Status_V2_Controller();

Код WC_REST_System_Status_V2_Controller::get_theme_info() WC 8.7.0

public function get_theme_info() {
	$theme_info = get_transient( 'wc_system_status_theme_info' );

	if ( false === $theme_info ) {
		$active_theme = wp_get_theme();

		// Get parent theme info if this theme is a child theme, otherwise
		// pass empty info in the response.
		if ( is_child_theme() ) {
			$parent_theme      = wp_get_theme( $active_theme->template );
			$parent_theme_info = array(
				'parent_name'           => $parent_theme->name,
				'parent_version'        => $parent_theme->version,
				'parent_version_latest' => WC_Admin_Status::get_latest_theme_version( $parent_theme ),
				'parent_author_url'     => $parent_theme->{'Author URI'},
		} else {
			$parent_theme_info = array(
				'parent_name'           => '',
				'parent_version'        => '',
				'parent_version_latest' => '',
				'parent_author_url'     => '',

		 * Scan the theme directory for all WC templates to see if our theme
		 * overrides any of them.
		$override_files     = array();
		$outdated_templates = false;
		$scan_files         = WC_Admin_Status::scan_template_files( WC()->plugin_path() . '/templates/' );

		// Include *-product_<cat|tag> templates for backwards compatibility.
		$scan_files[] = 'content-product_cat.php';
		$scan_files[] = 'taxonomy-product_cat.php';
		$scan_files[] = 'taxonomy-product_tag.php';

		foreach ( $scan_files as $file ) {
			$located = apply_filters( 'wc_get_template', $file, $file, array(), WC()->template_path(), WC()->plugin_path() . '/templates/' );

			if ( file_exists( $located ) ) {
				$theme_file = $located;
			} elseif ( file_exists( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/' . $file ) ) {
				$theme_file = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/' . $file;
			} elseif ( file_exists( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/' . WC()->template_path() . $file ) ) {
				$theme_file = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/' . WC()->template_path() . $file;
			} elseif ( file_exists( get_template_directory() . '/' . $file ) ) {
				$theme_file = get_template_directory() . '/' . $file;
			} elseif ( file_exists( get_template_directory() . '/' . WC()->template_path() . $file ) ) {
				$theme_file = get_template_directory() . '/' . WC()->template_path() . $file;
			} else {
				$theme_file = false;

			if ( ! empty( $theme_file ) ) {
				$core_file = $file;

				// Update *-product_<cat|tag> template name before searching in core.
				if ( false !== strpos( $core_file, '-product_cat' ) || false !== strpos( $core_file, '-product_tag' ) ) {
					$core_file = str_replace( '_', '-', $core_file );

				$core_version  = WC_Admin_Status::get_file_version( WC()->plugin_path() . '/templates/' . $core_file );
				$theme_version = WC_Admin_Status::get_file_version( $theme_file );
				if ( $core_version && ( empty( $theme_version ) || version_compare( $theme_version, $core_version, '<' ) ) ) {
					if ( ! $outdated_templates ) {
						$outdated_templates = true;
				$override_files[] = array(
					'file'         => str_replace( WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/themes/', '', $theme_file ),
					'version'      => $theme_version,
					'core_version' => $core_version,

		$active_theme_info = array(
			'name'                    => $active_theme->name,
			'version'                 => $active_theme->version,
			'version_latest'          => WC_Admin_Status::get_latest_theme_version( $active_theme ),
			'author_url'              => esc_url_raw( $active_theme->{'Author URI'} ),
			'is_child_theme'          => is_child_theme(),
			'has_woocommerce_support' => current_theme_supports( 'woocommerce' ),
			'has_woocommerce_file'    => ( file_exists( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/woocommerce.php' ) || file_exists( get_template_directory() . '/woocommerce.php' ) ),
			'has_outdated_templates'  => $outdated_templates,
			'overrides'               => $override_files,

		$theme_info = array_merge( $active_theme_info, $parent_theme_info );
		set_transient( 'wc_system_status_theme_info', $theme_info, HOUR_IN_SECONDS );

	return $theme_info;