Get orders origin details.
Метод класса: WC_Tracker{}
Хуков нет.
$result = WC_Tracker::get_orders_origins();
Код WC_Tracker::get_orders_origins() WC Tracker::get orders origins WC 9.5.1
private static function get_orders_origins() { global $wpdb; if ( OrderUtil::custom_orders_table_usage_is_enabled() ) { $op_table_name = OrdersTableDataStore::get_operational_data_table_name(); // phpcs:disable WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.InterpolatedNotPrepared $orders_origin = $wpdb->get_results( " SELECT created_via as origin, COUNT( order_id ) as count FROM $op_table_name GROUP BY created_via; " ); // phpcs:enable } else { $orders_origin = $wpdb->get_results( " SELECT meta_value as origin, COUNT( DISTINCT ( orders.id ) ) as count FROM $wpdb->posts orders LEFT JOIN $wpdb->postmeta order_meta ON order_meta.post_id = orders.id WHERE meta_key = '_created_via' GROUP BY meta_value; " ); } // The associative array that is created as the result of array_reduce is passed to extract_group_key() // This function has the logic that will remove specific identifiers that may sometimes be part of an origin. // For example, two origins like 'Import #123' and 'Import ** #78' would both have a group_key 'Import **'. $orders_and_origins = self::extract_group_key( // Convert into an associative array with the origin as key. array_reduce( $orders_origin, function ( $result, $item ) { $key = $item->origin; $result[ $key ] = $item; return $result; }, array() ), 'origin' ); $orders_by_origin = array(); // Aggregate using group_key. foreach ( $orders_and_origins as $origin ) { $key = strtolower( $origin->group_key ); if ( array_key_exists( $key, $orders_by_origin ) ) { $orders_by_origin[ $key ] = $orders_by_origin[ $key ] + (int) $origin->count; } else { $orders_by_origin[ $key ] = (int) $origin->count; } } return array( 'created_via' => $orders_by_origin ); }