For each active subscription on this site, checks the expiration date and creates/updates/deletes notes.
Метод класса: WooSubscriptionsNotes{}
Хуков нет.
. Ничего (null).
$WooSubscriptionsNotes = new WooSubscriptionsNotes(); $WooSubscriptionsNotes->refresh_subscription_notes();
Код WooSubscriptionsNotes::refresh_subscription_notes() WooSubscriptionsNotes::refresh subscription notes WC 9.5.1
public function refresh_subscription_notes() { if ( ! $this->is_connected() ) { return; } $this->prune_inactive_subscription_notes(); $subscriptions = \WC_Helper::get_subscriptions(); $active_product_ids = $this->get_subscription_active_product_ids(); foreach ( (array) $subscriptions as $subscription ) { // Only concern ourselves with active products. $product_id = $subscription['product_id']; if ( ! in_array( $product_id, $active_product_ids, true ) ) { continue; } // If the subscription will auto-renew, clean up and exit. if ( $subscription['autorenew'] ) { $this->delete_any_note_for_product_id( $product_id ); continue; } // If the subscription is not expiring by the first threshold, clean up and exit. $bump_thresholds = $this->get_bump_thresholds(); $first_threshold = DAY_IN_SECONDS * $bump_thresholds[0]; $expires = intval( $subscription['expires'] ); $time_now_gmt = current_time( 'timestamp', 0 ); if ( $expires > $time_now_gmt + $first_threshold ) { $this->delete_any_note_for_product_id( $product_id ); continue; } // Otherwise, if the subscription can still have auto-renew enabled, let them know that now. if ( $expires > $time_now_gmt ) { $this->add_or_update_subscription_expiring( $subscription ); continue; } // If we got this far, the subscription has completely expired, let them know. $this->add_or_update_subscription_expired( $subscription ); } }