wc_list_pluck()WC 3.0.0

Based on wp_list_pluck, this calls a method instead of returning a property.

Хуков нет.


Массив. Array of values.


wc_list_pluck( $list, $callback_or_field, $index_key );
$list(массив) (обязательный)
List of objects or arrays.
$callback_or_field(int|строка) (обязательный)
Callback method from the object to place instead of the entire object.
Field from the object to use as keys for the new array.
По умолчанию: null

Список изменений

С версии 3.0.0 Введена.

Код wc_list_pluck() WC 8.7.0

function wc_list_pluck( $list, $callback_or_field, $index_key = null ) {
	// Use wp_list_pluck if this isn't a callback.
	$first_el = current( $list );
	if ( ! is_object( $first_el ) || ! is_callable( array( $first_el, $callback_or_field ) ) ) {
		return wp_list_pluck( $list, $callback_or_field, $index_key );
	if ( ! $index_key ) {
		 * This is simple. Could at some point wrap array_column()
		 * if we knew we had an array of arrays.
		foreach ( $list as $key => $value ) {
			$list[ $key ] = $value->{$callback_or_field}();
		return $list;

	 * When index_key is not set for a particular item, push the value
	 * to the end of the stack. This is how array_column() behaves.
	$newlist = array();
	foreach ( $list as $value ) {
		// Get index. @since 3.2.0 this supports a callback.
		if ( is_callable( array( $value, $index_key ) ) ) {
			$newlist[ $value->{$index_key}() ] = $value->{$callback_or_field}();
		} elseif ( isset( $value->$index_key ) ) {
			$newlist[ $value->$index_key ] = $value->{$callback_or_field}();
		} else {
			$newlist[] = $value->{$callback_or_field}();
	return $newlist;