action_scheduler_extra_action_counts хук-фильтрWC 3.5.0

Allows 3rd party code to add extra action counts (used in filters in the list table).


add_filter( 'action_scheduler_extra_action_counts', 'wp_kama_action_scheduler_extra_counts_filter' );

 * Function for `action_scheduler_extra_action_counts` filter-hook.
 * @param $extra_actions $extra_actions array Array with format action_count_identifier => action count.
 * @return $extra_actions
function wp_kama_action_scheduler_extra_counts_filter( $extra_actions ){

	// filter...
	return $extra_actions;
array Array with format action_count_identifier => action count.

Список изменений

С версии 3.5.0 Введена.

Где вызывается хук

woocommerce/packages/action-scheduler/classes/abstracts/ActionScheduler_Store.php 159
return apply_filters( 'action_scheduler_extra_action_counts', $extra_actions );

Где используется хук в WooCommerce

Использование не найдено.