pre_as_schedule_recurring_action хук-фильтрWC 1.0

Provides an opportunity to short-circuit the default process for enqueuing recurring actions.

Returning a value other than null from the filter will short-circuit the normal process. The expectation in such a scenario is that callbacks will return an integer representing the scheduled action ID (scheduled using some alternative process) or else zero.


add_filter( 'pre_as_schedule_recurring_action', 'wp_kama_pre_as_schedule_recurring_action_filter', 10, 7 );

 * Function for `pre_as_schedule_recurring_action` filter-hook.
 * @param int|null $pre_option          The value to return instead of the option value.
 * @param int      $timestamp           When the action will run.
 * @param int      $interval_in_seconds How long to wait between runs.
 * @param string   $hook                Action hook.
 * @param array    $args                Action arguments.
 * @param string   $group               Action group.
 * @param int      $priority            Action priority.
 * @return int|null
function wp_kama_pre_as_schedule_recurring_action_filter( $pre_option, $timestamp, $interval_in_seconds, $hook, $args, $group, $priority ){

	// filter...
	return $pre_option;
The value to return instead of the option value.
When the action will run.
How long to wait between runs.
Action hook.
Action arguments.
Action group.
Action priority.

Где вызывается хук

woocommerce/packages/action-scheduler/functions.php 162
$pre = apply_filters( 'pre_as_schedule_recurring_action', null, $timestamp, $interval_in_seconds, $hook, $args, $group, $priority );

Где используется хук в WooCommerce

Использование не найдено.