wp_cache_files()WPSCache 1.0

Хуков нет.


null. Ничего (null).



Код wp_cache_files() WPSCache 1.12.0

function wp_cache_files() {
	global $cache_path, $file_prefix, $cache_max_time, $valid_nonce, $supercachedir, $super_cache_enabled, $blog_cache_dir, $cache_compression;
	global $wp_cache_preload_on;

	if ( '/' != substr($cache_path, -1)) {
		$cache_path .= '/';

	if ( $valid_nonce ) {
		if(isset($_REQUEST['wp_delete_cache'])) {
			$_GET[ 'action' ] = 'regenerate_cache_stats';
		if ( isset( $_REQUEST[ 'wp_delete_all_cache' ] ) ) {
			wp_cache_clean_cache( $file_prefix, true );
			$_GET[ 'action' ] = 'regenerate_cache_stats';
		if(isset($_REQUEST['wp_delete_expired'])) {
			$_GET[ 'action' ] = 'regenerate_cache_stats';
	echo "<a name='listfiles'></a>";
	echo '<div class="wpsc-card">';
	echo '<fieldset class="options" id="show-this-fieldset"><h4>' . __( 'Cache Contents', 'wp-super-cache' ) . '</h4>';

	$cache_stats = get_option( 'supercache_stats' );
	if ( !is_array( $cache_stats ) || ( isset( $_GET[ 'listfiles' ] ) ) || ( $valid_nonce && array_key_exists('action', $_GET) && $_GET[ 'action' ] == 'regenerate_cache_stats' ) ) {
	$count = 0;
	$expired = 0;
	$now = time();
	$wp_cache_fsize = 0;
	if ( ( $handle = @opendir( $blog_cache_dir ) ) ) {
		if ( $valid_nonce && isset( $_GET[ 'action' ] ) && $_GET[ 'action' ] == 'deletewpcache' ) {
			$deleteuri = wpsc_deep_replace( array( '..', '\\', 'index.php' ), preg_replace( '/[ <>\'\"\r\n\t\(\)]/', '', base64_decode( $_GET[ 'uri' ] ) ) );
		} else {
			$deleteuri = '';

		if ( $valid_nonce && isset( $_GET[ 'action' ] ) && $_GET[ 'action' ] == 'deletesupercache' ) {
			$supercacheuri = wpsc_deep_replace( array( '..', '\\', 'index.php' ), preg_replace( '/[ <>\'\"\r\n\t\(\)]/', '', preg_replace("/(\?.*)?$/", '', base64_decode( $_GET[ 'uri' ] ) ) ) );
			$supercacheuri = trailingslashit( realpath( $cache_path . 'supercache/' . $supercacheuri ) );
			if ( wp_cache_confirm_delete( $supercacheuri ) ) {
				printf( __( "Deleting supercache file: <strong>%s</strong><br />", 'wp-super-cache' ), $supercacheuri );
				wpsc_delete_files( $supercacheuri );
				prune_super_cache( $supercacheuri . 'page', true );
				@rmdir( $supercacheuri );
			} else {
				wp_die( __( 'Warning! You are not allowed to delete that file', 'wp-super-cache' ) );
		while( false !== ( $file = readdir( $handle ) ) ) {
			if ( // phpcs:ignore Generic.WhiteSpace.ScopeIndent.IncorrectExact
				str_contains( $file, $file_prefix )
				&& substr( $file, -4 ) == '.php' // phpcs:ignore Universal.Operators.StrictComparisons.LooseEqual
			) { // phpcs:ignore Generic.WhiteSpace.ScopeIndent.Incorrect
				if ( false == file_exists( $blog_cache_dir . 'meta/' . $file ) ) {
					@unlink( $blog_cache_dir . $file );
					continue; // meta does not exist
				$mtime = filemtime( $blog_cache_dir . 'meta/' . $file );
				$fsize = @filesize( $blog_cache_dir . $file );
				if ( $fsize > 0 )
					$fsize = $fsize - 15; // die() command takes 15 bytes at the start of the file

				$age = $now - $mtime;
				if ( $valid_nonce && isset( $_GET[ 'listfiles' ] ) ) {
					$meta = json_decode( wp_cache_get_legacy_cache( $blog_cache_dir . 'meta/' . $file ), true );
					if ( $deleteuri != '' && $meta[ 'uri' ] == $deleteuri ) {
						printf( __( "Deleting wp-cache file: <strong>%s</strong><br />", 'wp-super-cache' ), esc_html( $deleteuri ) );
						@unlink( $blog_cache_dir . 'meta/' . $file );
						@unlink( $blog_cache_dir . $file );
					$meta[ 'age' ] = $age;
					foreach( $meta as $key => $val )
						$meta[ $key ] = esc_html( $val );
					if ( $cache_max_time > 0 && $age > $cache_max_time ) {
						$expired_list[ $age ][] = $meta;
					} else {
						$cached_list[ $age ][] = $meta;

				if ( $cache_max_time > 0 && $age > $cache_max_time ) {
				} else {
				$wp_cache_fsize += $fsize;
	if( $wp_cache_fsize != 0 ) {
		$wp_cache_fsize = $wp_cache_fsize/1024;
	} else {
		$wp_cache_fsize = 0;
	if( $wp_cache_fsize > 1024 ) {
		$wp_cache_fsize = number_format( $wp_cache_fsize / 1024, 2 ) . "MB";
	} elseif( $wp_cache_fsize != 0 ) {
		$wp_cache_fsize = number_format( $wp_cache_fsize, 2 ) . "KB";
	} else {
		$wp_cache_fsize = '0KB';
	$cache_stats = wp_cache_regenerate_cache_file_stats();
	} else {
		echo "<p>" . __( 'Cache stats are not automatically generated. You must click the link below to regenerate the stats on this page.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "</p>";
		echo "<a href='" . wp_nonce_url( add_query_arg( array( 'page' => 'wpsupercache', 'tab' => 'contents', 'action' => 'regenerate_cache_stats' ) ), 'wp-cache' ) . "'>" . __( 'Regenerate cache stats', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "</a>";
		if ( is_array( $cache_stats ) ) {
			echo "<p>" . sprintf( __( 'Cache stats last generated: %s minutes ago.', 'wp-super-cache' ), number_format( ( time() - $cache_stats[ 'generated' ] ) / 60 ) ) . "</p>";
		$cache_stats = get_option( 'supercache_stats' );
	}// regerate stats cache

	if ( is_array( $cache_stats ) ) {
		$fsize = wp_cache_format_fsize( $cache_stats[ 'wpcache' ][ 'fsize' ] / 1024 );
		echo "<p><strong>" . __( 'WP-Cache', 'wp-super-cache' ) . " ({$fsize})</strong></p>";
		echo "<ul><li>" . sprintf( __( '%s Cached Pages', 'wp-super-cache' ), $cache_stats[ 'wpcache' ][ 'cached' ] ) . "</li>";
		echo "<li>" . sprintf( __( '%s Expired Pages', 'wp-super-cache' ),    $cache_stats[ 'wpcache' ][ 'expired' ] ) . "</li></ul>";
		if ( array_key_exists('fsize', (array)$cache_stats[ 'supercache' ]) )
			$fsize = $cache_stats[ 'supercache' ][ 'fsize' ] / 1024;
			$fsize = 0;
		$fsize = wp_cache_format_fsize( $fsize );
		echo "<p><strong>" . __( 'WP-Super-Cache', 'wp-super-cache' ) . " ({$fsize})</strong></p>";
		echo "<ul><li>" . sprintf( __( '%s Cached Pages', 'wp-super-cache' ), $cache_stats[ 'supercache' ][ 'cached' ] ) . "</li>";
		if ( isset( $now ) && isset( $cache_stats ) )
			$age = intval( ( $now - $cache_stats['generated'] ) / 60 );
			$age = 0;
		echo "<li>" . sprintf( __( '%s Expired Pages', 'wp-super-cache' ), $cache_stats[ 'supercache' ][ 'expired' ] ) . "</li></ul>";
		if ( $valid_nonce && array_key_exists('listfiles', $_GET) && isset( $_GET[ 'listfiles' ] ) ) {
			echo "<div style='padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #333; height: 400px; width: 90%; overflow: auto'>";
			$cache_description = array( 'supercache' => __( 'WP-Super-Cached', 'wp-super-cache' ), 'wpcache' => __( 'WP-Cached', 'wp-super-cache' ) );
			foreach( $cache_stats as $type => $details ) {
				if ( is_array( $details ) == false )
				foreach( array( 'cached_list' => 'Fresh', 'expired_list' => 'Stale' ) as $list => $description ) {
					if ( is_array( $details[ $list ] ) & !empty( $details[ $list ] ) ) {
						echo "<h5>" . sprintf( __( '%s %s Files', 'wp-super-cache' ), $description, $cache_description[ $type ] ) . "</h5>";
						echo "<table class='widefat'><tr><th>#</th><th>" . __( 'URI', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "</th><th>" . __( 'Files', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "</th><th>" . __( 'Age', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "</th><th>" . __( 'Delete', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "</th></tr>";
						$c = 1;
						$flip = 1;

						ksort( $details[ $list ] );
						foreach( $details[ $list ] as $directory => $d ) {
							if ( isset( $d[ 'upper_age' ] ) ) {
								$age = "{$d[ 'lower_age' ]} - {$d[ 'upper_age' ]}";
							} else {
								$age = $d[ 'lower_age' ];
							$bg = $flip ? 'style="background: #EAEAEA;"' : '';
							echo "<tr $bg><td>$c</td><td> <a href='http://{$directory}'>{$directory}</a></td><td>{$d[ 'files' ]}</td><td>{$age}</td><td><a href='" . wp_nonce_url( add_query_arg( array( 'page' => 'wpsupercache', 'action' => 'deletesupercache', 'uri' => base64_encode( $directory ) ) ), 'wp-cache' ) . "#listfiles'>X</a></td></tr>\n";
							$flip = !$flip;
						echo "</table>";
			echo "</div>";
			echo "<p><a href='?page=wpsupercache&tab=contents#top'>" . __( 'Hide file list', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "</a></p>";
		} elseif ( $cache_stats[ 'supercache' ][ 'cached' ] > 500 || $cache_stats[ 'supercache' ][ 'expired' ] > 500 || $cache_stats[ 'wpcache' ][ 'cached' ] > 500 || $cache_stats[ 'wpcache' ][ 'expired' ] > 500 ) {
			echo "<p><em>" . __( 'Too many cached files, no listing possible.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "</em></p>";
		} else {
			echo "<p><a href='" . wp_nonce_url( add_query_arg( array( 'page' => 'wpsupercache', 'listfiles' => '1' ) ), 'wp-cache' ) . "#listfiles'>" . __( 'List all cached files', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "</a></p>";
		if ( $cache_max_time > 0 )
			echo "<p>" . sprintf( __( 'Expired files are files older than %s seconds. They are still used by the plugin and are deleted periodically.', 'wp-super-cache' ), $cache_max_time ) . "</p>";
		if ( $wp_cache_preload_on )
			echo "<p>" . __( 'Preload mode is enabled. Supercache files will never be expired.', 'wp-super-cache' ) . "</p>";
	} // cache_stats

	echo '</fieldset>';
	echo '</div>';