Abstract_Aioseo_Importing_Action{} │ Yoast 1.0
Importing action interface.
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$Abstract_Aioseo_Importing_Action = new Abstract_Aioseo_Importing_Action(); // use class methods
- public __construct(
- public get_completed()
- public get_completed_id()
- protected get_cursor_id()
- public get_plugin()
- public get_type()
- public is_compatible_with( $plugin = null, $type = null )
- public is_enabled()
- public set_aioseo_helper( Aioseo_Helper $aioseo_helper )
- public set_completed( $completed )
- public simple_import( $meta_data )
- public url_import( $meta_data )
Код Abstract_Aioseo_Importing_Action{} Abstract Aioseo Importing Action{} Yoast 24.0
abstract class Abstract_Aioseo_Importing_Action implements Importing_Action_Interface { /** * The plugin the class deals with. * * @var string */ public const PLUGIN = null; /** * The type the class deals with. * * @var string */ public const TYPE = null; /** * The AIOSEO helper. * * @var Aioseo_Helper */ protected $aioseo_helper; /** * The import cursor helper. * * @var Import_Cursor_Helper */ protected $import_cursor; /** * The options helper. * * @var Options_Helper */ protected $options; /** * The sanitization helper. * * @var Sanitization_Helper */ protected $sanitization; /** * The replacevar handler. * * @var Aioseo_Replacevar_Service */ protected $replacevar_handler; /** * The robots provider service. * * @var Aioseo_Robots_Provider_Service */ protected $robots_provider; /** * The robots transformer service. * * @var Aioseo_Robots_Transformer_Service */ protected $robots_transformer; /** * Abstract_Aioseo_Importing_Action constructor. * * @param Import_Cursor_Helper $import_cursor The import cursor helper. * @param Options_Helper $options The options helper. * @param Sanitization_Helper $sanitization The sanitization helper. * @param Aioseo_Replacevar_Service $replacevar_handler The replacevar handler. * @param Aioseo_Robots_Provider_Service $robots_provider The robots provider service. * @param Aioseo_Robots_Transformer_Service $robots_transformer The robots transfomer service. */ public function __construct( Import_Cursor_Helper $import_cursor, Options_Helper $options, Sanitization_Helper $sanitization, Aioseo_Replacevar_Service $replacevar_handler, Aioseo_Robots_Provider_Service $robots_provider, Aioseo_Robots_Transformer_Service $robots_transformer ) { $this->import_cursor = $import_cursor; $this->options = $options; $this->sanitization = $sanitization; $this->replacevar_handler = $replacevar_handler; $this->robots_provider = $robots_provider; $this->robots_transformer = $robots_transformer; } /** * Sets the AIOSEO helper. * * @required * * @param Aioseo_Helper $aioseo_helper The AIOSEO helper. * * @return void */ public function set_aioseo_helper( Aioseo_Helper $aioseo_helper ) { $this->aioseo_helper = $aioseo_helper; } /** * The name of the plugin we import from. * * @return string The plugin we import from. * * @throws Exception If the PLUGIN constant is not set in the child class. */ public function get_plugin() { $class = static::class; $plugin = $class::PLUGIN; if ( $plugin === null ) { throw new Exception( 'Importing action without explicit plugin' ); } return $plugin; } /** * The data type we import from the plugin. * * @return string The data type we import from the plugin. * * @throws Exception If the TYPE constant is not set in the child class. */ public function get_type() { $class = static::class; $type = $class::TYPE; if ( $type === null ) { throw new Exception( 'Importing action without explicit type' ); } return $type; } /** * Can the current action import the data from plugin $plugin of type $type? * * @param string|null $plugin The plugin to import from. * @param string|null $type The type of data to import. * * @return bool True if this action can handle the combination of Plugin and Type. * * @throws Exception If the TYPE constant is not set in the child class. */ public function is_compatible_with( $plugin = null, $type = null ) { if ( empty( $plugin ) && empty( $type ) ) { return true; } if ( $plugin === $this->get_plugin() && empty( $type ) ) { return true; } if ( empty( $plugin ) && $type === $this->get_type() ) { return true; } if ( $plugin === $this->get_plugin() && $type === $this->get_type() ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Gets the completed id (to be used as a key for the importing_completed option). * * @return string The completed id. */ public function get_completed_id() { return $this->get_cursor_id(); } /** * Returns the stored state of completedness. * * @return int The stored state of completedness. */ public function get_completed() { $completed_id = $this->get_completed_id(); $importers_completions = $this->options->get( 'importing_completed', [] ); return ( isset( $importers_completions[ $completed_id ] ) ) ? $importers_completions[ $completed_id ] : false; } /** * Stores the current state of completedness. * * @param bool $completed Whether the importer is completed. * * @return void */ public function set_completed( $completed ) { $completed_id = $this->get_completed_id(); $current_importers_completions = $this->options->get( 'importing_completed', [] ); $current_importers_completions[ $completed_id ] = $completed; $this->options->set( 'importing_completed', $current_importers_completions ); } /** * Returns whether the importing action is enabled. * * @return bool True by default unless a child class overrides it. */ public function is_enabled() { return true; } /** * Gets the cursor id. * * @return string The cursor id. */ protected function get_cursor_id() { return $this->get_plugin() . '_' . $this->get_type(); } /** * Minimally transforms data to be imported. * * @param string $meta_data The meta data to be imported. * * @return string The transformed meta data. */ public function simple_import( $meta_data ) { // Transform the replace vars into Yoast replace vars. $transformed_data = $this->replacevar_handler->transform( $meta_data ); return $this->sanitization->sanitize_text_field( \html_entity_decode( $transformed_data ) ); } /** * Transforms URL to be imported. * * @param string $meta_data The meta data to be imported. * * @return string The transformed URL. */ public function url_import( $meta_data ) { // We put null as the allowed protocols here, to have the WP default allowed protocols, see https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/wp_allowed_protocols. return $this->sanitization->sanitize_url( $meta_data, null ); } }