
Aioseo_Posttype_Defaults_Settings_Importing_Action{}Yoast 1.0

Importing action for AIOSEO posttype defaults settings data.

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$Aioseo_Posttype_Defaults_Settings_Importing_Action = new Aioseo_Posttype_Defaults_Settings_Importing_Action();
// use class methods


  1. protected build_mapping()
  2. public import_redirect_attachment( $redirect_attachment )

Код Aioseo_Posttype_Defaults_Settings_Importing_Action{} Yoast 24.1

class Aioseo_Posttype_Defaults_Settings_Importing_Action extends Abstract_Aioseo_Settings_Importing_Action {

	 * The plugin of the action.
	public const PLUGIN = 'aioseo';

	 * The type of the action.
	public const TYPE = 'posttype_default_settings';

	 * The option_name of the AIOSEO option that contains the settings.
	public const SOURCE_OPTION_NAME = 'aioseo_options_dynamic';

	 * The map of aioseo_options to yoast settings.
	 * @var array
	protected $aioseo_options_to_yoast_map = [];

	 * The tab of the aioseo settings we're working with.
	 * @var string
	protected $settings_tab = 'postTypes';

	 * Builds the mapping that ties AOISEO option keys with Yoast ones and their data transformation method.
	 * @return void
	protected function build_mapping() {
		$post_type_objects = \get_post_types( [ 'public' => true ], 'objects' );

		foreach ( $post_type_objects as $pt ) {
			// Use all the custom post types that are public.
			$this->aioseo_options_to_yoast_map[ '/' . $pt->name . '/title' ]                       = [
				'yoast_name'       => 'title-' . $pt->name,
				'transform_method' => 'simple_import',
			$this->aioseo_options_to_yoast_map[ '/' . $pt->name . '/metaDescription' ]             = [
				'yoast_name'       => 'metadesc-' . $pt->name,
				'transform_method' => 'simple_import',
			$this->aioseo_options_to_yoast_map[ '/' . $pt->name . '/advanced/showMetaBox' ]        = [
				'yoast_name'       => 'display-metabox-pt-' . $pt->name,
				'transform_method' => 'simple_boolean_import',
			$this->aioseo_options_to_yoast_map[ '/' . $pt->name . '/advanced/robotsMeta/noindex' ] = [
				'yoast_name'       => 'noindex-' . $pt->name,
				'transform_method' => 'import_noindex',
				'type'             => 'postTypes',
				'subtype'          => $pt->name,
				'option_name'      => 'aioseo_options_dynamic',

			if ( $pt->name === 'attachment' ) {
				$this->aioseo_options_to_yoast_map['/attachment/redirectAttachmentUrls'] = [
					'yoast_name'       => 'disable-attachment',
					'transform_method' => 'import_redirect_attachment',

	 * Transforms the redirect_attachment setting.
	 * @param string $redirect_attachment The redirect_attachment setting.
	 * @return bool The transformed redirect_attachment setting.
	public function import_redirect_attachment( $redirect_attachment ) {
		switch ( $redirect_attachment ) {
			case 'disabled':
				return false;

			case 'attachment':
			case 'attachment_parent':
				return true;