
Article::word_count()privateYoast 1.0

Does a simple word count but tries to be relatively smart about it.

Метод класса: Article{}

Хуков нет.


int. The number of words in the content.


// private - только в коде основоного (родительского) класса
$result = $this->word_count( $post_content, $post_title );
$post_content(строка) (обязательный)
The post content.
The post title.
По умолчанию: ''

Код Article::word_count() Yoast 22.4

private function word_count( $post_content, $post_title = '' ) {
	// Add the title to our word count.
	$post_content = $post_title . ' ' . $post_content;

	// Strip pre/code blocks and their content.
	$post_content = \preg_replace( '@<(pre|code)[^>]*?>.*?</\\1>@si', '', $post_content );

	// Add space between tags that don't have it.
	$post_content = \preg_replace( '@><@', '> <', $post_content );

	// Strips all other tags.
	$post_content = \wp_strip_all_tags( $post_content );

	$characters = '';

	if ( \preg_match( '@[а-я]@ui', $post_content ) ) {
		// Correct counting of the number of words in the Russian and Ukrainian languages.
		$alphabet = [
			'ru' => 'абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя',
			'ua' => 'абвгґдеєжзиіїйклмнопрстуфхцчшщьюя',

		$characters  = \implode( '', $alphabet );
		$characters  = \preg_split( '//u', $characters, -1, \PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );
		$characters  = \array_unique( $characters );
		$characters  = \implode( '', $characters );
		$characters .= \mb_strtoupper( $characters );

	// Remove characters from HTML entities.
	$post_content = \preg_replace( '@&[a-z0-9]+;@i', ' ', \htmlentities( $post_content ) );

	return \str_word_count( $post_content, 0, $characters );