Class Badge_Group_Names.
This class defines groups for "new" badges, with the version in which those groups are no longer considered to be "new".
Хуков нет.
$Badge_Group_Names = new Badge_Group_Names(); // use class methods
- public __construct( $version = null )
- public is_still_eligible_for_new_badge( $group, $current_version = null )
Код Badge_Group_Names{} Badge Group Names{} Yoast 24.0
class Badge_Group_Names { public const GROUP_GLOBAL_TEMPLATES = 'global-templates'; /** * Constant describing when certain groups of new badges will no longer be shown. */ public const GROUP_NAMES = [ self::GROUP_GLOBAL_TEMPLATES => '16.7-beta0', ]; /** * The current plugin version. * * @var string */ protected $version; /** * Badge_Group_Names constructor. * * @param string|null $version Optional: the current plugin version. */ public function __construct( $version = null ) { if ( ! $version ) { $version = \WPSEO_VERSION; } $this->version = $version; } /** * Check whether a group of badges is still eligible for a "new" badge. * * @param string $group One of the GROUP_* constants. * @param string|null $current_version The current version of the plugin that's being checked. * * @return bool Whether a group of badges is still eligible for a "new" badge. */ public function is_still_eligible_for_new_badge( $group, $current_version = null ) { if ( ! \array_key_exists( $group, $this::GROUP_NAMES ) ) { return false; } $group_version = $this::GROUP_NAMES[ $group ]; if ( \is_null( $current_version ) ) { $current_version = $this->version; } return (bool) \version_compare( $group_version, $current_version, '>' ); } }