
Cleanup_Command::cleanup_current_site()privateYoast 1.0

Performs the cleanup for a single site.

Метод класса: Cleanup_Command{}

Хуки из метода


int. The number of cleaned up records.


// private - только в коде основоного (родительского) класса
$result = $this->cleanup_current_site( $assoc_args );
$assoc_args(массив|null) (обязательный)
The associative arguments.

Код Cleanup_Command::cleanup_current_site() Yoast 22.4

private function cleanup_current_site( $assoc_args ) {
	$site_url      = \site_url();
	$total_removed = 0;

	if ( ! \is_plugin_active( \WPSEO_BASENAME ) ) {
		/* translators: %1$s is the site url of the site that is skipped. %2$s is Yoast SEO. */
		WP_CLI::warning( \sprintf( \__( 'Skipping %1$s. %2$s is not active on this site.', 'wordpress-seo' ), $site_url, 'Yoast SEO' ) );

		return $total_removed;

	// Make sure the DB is up to date first.
	\do_action( '_yoast_run_migrations' );

	$tasks    = $this->cleanup_integration->get_cleanup_tasks();
	$limit    = (int) $assoc_args['batch-size'];
	$interval = (int) $assoc_args['interval'];

	/* translators: %1$s is the site url of the site that is cleaned up. %2$s is the name of the cleanup task that is currently running. */
	$progress_bar_title_format = \__( 'Cleaning up %1$s [%2$s]', 'wordpress-seo' );
	$progress                  = Utils\make_progress_bar( \sprintf( $progress_bar_title_format, $site_url, \key( $tasks ) ), \count( $tasks ) );

	foreach ( $tasks as $task_name => $task ) {
		// Update the progressbar title with the current task name.
		$progress->tick( 0, \sprintf( $progress_bar_title_format, $site_url, $task_name ) );
		do {
			$items_cleaned = $task( $limit );
			if ( \is_int( $items_cleaned ) ) {
				$total_removed += $items_cleaned;
			\usleep( $interval );

			// Update the timer.
			$progress->tick( 0 );
		} while ( $items_cleaned !== false && $items_cleaned > 0 );

		/* translators: %1$d is the number of records that were removed. %2$s is the site url. */
				'Cleaned up %1$d record from %2$s.',
				'Cleaned up %1$d records from %2$s.',

	return $total_removed;