
Enhanced_Data_Presenter::get()publicYoast 1.0

Gets the enhanced data array.

Метод класса: Enhanced_Data_Presenter{}

Хуки из метода


Массив. The enhanced data array


$Enhanced_Data_Presenter = new Enhanced_Data_Presenter();

Код Enhanced_Data_Presenter::get() Yoast 24.4

public function get() {
	$data                   = [];
	$author_id              = $this->presentation->source->post_author;
	$estimated_reading_time = $this->presentation->estimated_reading_time_minutes;

	if ( $this->presentation->model->object_sub_type === 'post' && $author_id ) {
		$data[ \__( 'Written by', 'wordpress-seo' ) ] = \get_the_author_meta( 'display_name', $author_id );

	if ( ! empty( $estimated_reading_time ) ) {
		/* translators: %s expands to the reading time number, in minutes */
		$data[ \__( 'Est. reading time', 'wordpress-seo' ) ] = \sprintf( \_n( '%s minute', '%s minutes', $estimated_reading_time, 'default' ), $estimated_reading_time );

	 * Filter: 'wpseo_enhanced_slack_data' - Allows filtering of the enhanced data for sharing on Slack.
	 * @param array                  $data         The enhanced Slack sharing data.
	 * @param Indexable_Presentation $presentation The presentation of an indexable.
	return \apply_filters( 'wpseo_enhanced_slack_data', $data, $this->presentation );