
Main_Image::generate()publicYoast 1.0

Adds a main image for the current URL to the schema if there is one.

This can be either the featured image or the first image in the content of the page.

Метод класса: Main_Image{}

Хуков нет.


false|Массив. Image Schema.


$Main_Image = new Main_Image();

Код Main_Image::generate() Yoast 24.4

public function generate() {
	$image_id = $this->context->canonical . Schema_IDs::PRIMARY_IMAGE_HASH;

	// The featured image.
	if ( $this->context->main_image_id ) {
		$generated_schema              = $this->helpers->schema->image->generate_from_attachment_id( $image_id, $this->context->main_image_id );
		$this->context->main_image_url = $generated_schema['url'];

		return $generated_schema;

	// The first image in the content.
	if ( $this->context->main_image_url ) {
		return $this->helpers->schema->image->generate_from_url( $image_id, $this->context->main_image_url );

	return false;