Internal method to construct the queries for both the has_one and has_many methods. These two types of association are identical; the only difference is whether find_one or find_many is used to complete the method chain.
Метод класса: Model{}
Хуков нет.
. Instance of the ORM.
// protected - в коде основоного (родительского) или дочернего класса $result = $this->has_one_or_many( $associated_class_name, $foreign_key_name, $foreign_key_name_in_current_models_table );
- $associated_class_name(строка) (обязательный)
- The associated class name.
- $foreign_key_name(строка|null)
- The foreign key name in the associated table.
По умолчанию: null - $foreign_key_name_in_current_models_table(строка|null)
- The foreign key in the current models table.
По умолчанию: null
Код Model::has_one_or_many() Model::has one or many Yoast 24.1
protected function has_one_or_many( $associated_class_name, $foreign_key_name = null, $foreign_key_name_in_current_models_table = null ) { $base_table_name = static::get_table_name_for_class( static::class ); $foreign_key_name = static::build_foreign_key_name( $foreign_key_name, $base_table_name ); /* * Value of foreign_table.{$foreign_key_name} we're looking for. Where foreign_table is the actual * database table in the associated model. */ if ( $foreign_key_name_in_current_models_table === null ) { // Matches foreign_table.{$foreign_key_name} with the value of "{$this->table}.{$this->id()}". $where_value = $this->id(); } else { // Matches foreign_table.{$foreign_key_name} with "{$this->table}.{$foreign_key_name_in_current_models_table}". $where_value = $this->{$foreign_key_name_in_current_models_table}; } return static::factory( $associated_class_name )->where( $foreign_key_name, $where_value ); }