
ORM::where_any_is()publicYoast 1.0

Allows adding a WHERE clause that matches any of the conditions specified in the array. Each element in the associative array will be a different condition, where the key will be the column name.

By default, an equal operator will be used against all columns, but it can be overriden for any or every column using the second parameter.

Each condition will be ORed together when added to the final query.

Метод класса: ORM{}

Хуков нет.




$ORM = new ORM();
$ORM->where_any_is( $values, $operator );
$values(массив) (обязательный)
The values.
The operator.
По умолчанию: '='

Код ORM::where_any_is() Yoast 24.1

public function where_any_is( $values, $operator = '=' ) {
	$data  = [];
	$query = [ '((' ];
	$first = true;
	foreach ( $values as $value ) {
		if ( $first ) {
			$first = false;
		else {
			$query[] = ') OR (';
		$firstsub = true;
		foreach ( $value as $key => $item ) {
			$op = \is_string( $operator ) ? $operator : ( $operator[ $key ] ?? '=' );
			if ( $op === '=' && $item === null ) {
				$op = 'IS';
			if ( $firstsub ) {
				$firstsub = false;
			else {
				$query[] = 'AND';
			$query[] = $this->quote_identifier( $key );
			$data[]  = $item;
			$query[] = $op;
			$query[] = ( ( $item === null ) ? 'NULL' : '%s' );
	$query[] = '))';

	return $this->where_raw( \implode( ' ', $query ), $data );