
Post_Helper::update_has_public_posts_on_attachments()publicYoast 1.0

Updates the has_public_posts field on attachments for a post_parent.

An attachment is represented by their post parent when:

  • The attachment has a post parent.
  • The attachment inherits the post status.

Метод класса: Post_Helper{}

Хуков нет.


true|false. Whether the update was successful.


$Post_Helper = new Post_Helper();
$Post_Helper->update_has_public_posts_on_attachments( $post_parent, $has_public_posts );
$post_parent(int) (обязательный)
Post ID.
$has_public_posts(int) (обязательный)
Whether the parent is public.

Код Post_Helper::update_has_public_posts_on_attachments() Yoast 22.4

public function update_has_public_posts_on_attachments( $post_parent, $has_public_posts ) {
	$query = $this->repository->query()
		->select( 'id' )
		->where( 'object_type', 'post' )
		->where( 'object_sub_type', 'attachment' )
		->where( 'post_status', 'inherit' )
		->where( 'post_parent', $post_parent );

	if ( $has_public_posts !== null ) {
		$query->where_raw( '( has_public_posts IS NULL OR has_public_posts <> %s )', [ $has_public_posts ] );
	else {
		$query->where_not_null( 'has_public_posts' );
	$results = $query->find_array();

	if ( empty( $results ) ) {
		return true;

	$updated = $this->repository->query()
		->set( 'has_public_posts', $has_public_posts )
		->where_id_in( \wp_list_pluck( $results, 'id' ) )

	return $updated !== false;