Retrieves the document ID from the POST request.
Note: this is specific to Elementor' elementor_ajax action. And then the get_document_config internal action. Currently, you can see this in play when:
- showing the Site Settings in the Elementor editor
- going to another Recent post/page in the Elementor editor V2
Метод класса: Request_Post{}
Хуков нет.
. The document ID or null if not found.
// private - только в коде основоного (родительского) класса $result = $this->get_document_id(): ?int;
Код Request_Post::get_document_id() Request Post::get document id Yoast 24.3
private function get_document_id(): ?int { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing -- Reason: We are not processing form information. if ( ! ( isset( $_POST['actions'] ) && \is_string( $_POST['actions'] ) ) ) { return null; } // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized,WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing -- Reason: No sanitization needed because we cast to an integer (after JSON decode and type/exist checks),We are not processing form information. $actions = \json_decode( \wp_unslash( $_POST['actions'] ), true ); if ( ! \is_array( $actions ) ) { return null; } // Elementor sends everything in a `document-{ID}` format. $action = \array_shift( $actions ); if ( $action === null ) { return null; } // There are multiple action types. We only care about the "get_document_config" one. if ( ! ( isset( $action['action'] ) && $action['action'] === 'get_document_config' ) ) { return null; } // Return the ID from the data, if it is set and numeric. if ( isset( $action['data']['id'] ) && \is_numeric( $action['data']['id'] ) ) { return (int) $action['data']['id']; } return null; }