
Schema_Generator::remove_empty_breadcrumb()protectedYoast 1.0

Removes the breadcrumb schema if empty.

Метод класса: Schema_Generator{}

Хуков нет.


Массив. The schema graph with empty breadcrumbs taken out.


// protected - в коде основоного (родительского) или дочернего класса
$result = $this->remove_empty_breadcrumb( $graph, $context );
$graph(массив) (обязательный)
The current schema graph.
$context(Meta_Tags_Context) (обязательный)
The meta tags context.

Код Schema_Generator::remove_empty_breadcrumb() Yoast 24.1

protected function remove_empty_breadcrumb( $graph, $context ) {
	if ( $this->helpers->current_page->is_home_static_page() || $this->helpers->current_page->is_home_posts_page() ) {
		return $graph;

	// Remove the breadcrumb piece, if it's empty.
	$index_to_remove = 0;
	foreach ( $graph as $key => $piece ) {
		if ( \in_array( 'BreadcrumbList', $this->get_type_from_piece( $piece ), true ) ) {
			if ( isset( $piece['itemListElement'] ) && \is_array( $piece['itemListElement'] ) && \count( $piece['itemListElement'] ) === 1 ) {
				$index_to_remove = $key;

	// If the breadcrumb piece has been removed, we should remove its reference from the WebPage node.
	if ( $index_to_remove !== 0 ) {
		\array_splice( $graph, $index_to_remove, 1 );

		// Get the type of the WebPage node.
		$webpage_types = \is_array( $context->schema_page_type ) ? $context->schema_page_type : [ $context->schema_page_type ];

		foreach ( $graph as $key => $piece ) {
			if ( ! empty( \array_intersect( $webpage_types, $this->get_type_from_piece( $piece ) ) ) && isset( $piece['breadcrumb'] ) ) {
				unset( $piece['breadcrumb'] );
				$graph[ $key ] = $piece;

	return $graph;