
Score_Results_Collector_Interface{}Yoast 1.0

The interface of score result collectors.

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$Score_Results_Collector_Interface = new Score_Results_Collector_Interface();
// use class methods


  1. public get_score_results( array $score_groups, Content_Type $content_type, ?int $term_id, ?bool $is_troubleshooting )

Код Score_Results_Collector_Interface{} Yoast 24.4

interface Score_Results_Collector_Interface {

	 * Retrieves the score results for a content type.
	 * @param Score_Groups_Interface[] $score_groups       All score groups.
	 * @param Content_Type             $content_type       The content type.
	 * @param int|null                 $term_id            The ID of the term we're filtering for.
	 * @param bool|null                $is_troubleshooting Whether we're in troubleshooting mode.
	 * @return array<string, string> The score results for a content type.
	public function get_score_results( array $score_groups, Content_Type $content_type, ?int $term_id, ?bool $is_troubleshooting );