Stores the values for the organization's social profiles.
Метод класса: Social_Profiles_Helper{}
Хуков нет.
. An array of field names which failed to be saved in the db.
$Social_Profiles_Helper = new Social_Profiles_Helper(); $Social_Profiles_Helper->set_organization_social_profiles( $social_profiles );
- $social_profiles(массив) (обязательный)
- An array with the social profiles values to be saved in the db.
Код Social_Profiles_Helper::set_organization_social_profiles() Social Profiles Helper::set organization social profiles Yoast 24.4
public function set_organization_social_profiles( $social_profiles ) { $failures = []; $organization_social_profile_fields = $this->get_organization_social_profile_fields(); // First validate all social profiles, before even attempting to save them. foreach ( $organization_social_profile_fields as $field_name => $validation_method ) { if ( ! isset( $social_profiles[ $field_name ] ) ) { // Just skip social profiles that were not passed. continue; } $social_profiles[ $field_name ] = $this->sanitize_social_field( $social_profiles[ $field_name ] ); $value_to_validate = $social_profiles[ $field_name ]; $failures = \array_merge( $failures, \call_user_func( [ $this, $validation_method ], $value_to_validate, $field_name ) ); } if ( ! empty( $failures ) ) { return $failures; } // All social profiles look good, now let's try to save them. foreach ( \array_keys( $organization_social_profile_fields ) as $field_name ) { if ( ! isset( $social_profiles[ $field_name ] ) ) { // Just skip social profiles that were not passed. continue; } // Remove empty strings in Other Social URLs. if ( $field_name === 'other_social_urls' ) { $other_social_urls = \array_filter( $social_profiles[ $field_name ], static function ( $other_social_url ) { return $other_social_url !== ''; } ); $social_profiles[ $field_name ] = \array_values( $other_social_urls ); } $result = $this->options_helper->set( $field_name, $social_profiles[ $field_name ] ); if ( ! $result ) { /** * The value for Twitter might have been sanitised from URL to username. * If so, $result will be false. We should check if the option value is part of the received value. */ if ( $field_name === 'twitter_site' ) { $current_option = $this->options_helper->get( $field_name ); if ( ! \strpos( $social_profiles[ $field_name ], 'twitter.com/' . $current_option ) && ! \strpos( $social_profiles[ $field_name ], 'x.com/' . $current_option ) ) { $failures[] = $field_name; } } else { $failures[] = $field_name; } } } if ( ! empty( $failures ) ) { return $failures; } return []; }