WPSEO_Option_Titles::clean_option()protectedYoast 1.0

Clean a given option value.

Метод класса: WPSEO_Option_Titles{}

Хуков нет.


Строку[]. Cleaned option.


// protected - в коде основоного (родительского) или дочернего класса
$result = $this->clean_option( $option_value, $current_version, $all_old_option_values );
$option_value(string[]) (обязательный)
Old (not merged with defaults or filtered) option value to clean according to the rules for this option.
Version from which to upgrade, if not set, version specific upgrades will be disregarded.
По умолчанию: null
Only used when importing old options to have access to the real old values, in contrast to the saved ones.
По умолчанию: null

Код WPSEO_Option_Titles::clean_option() Yoast 22.4

protected function clean_option( $option_value, $current_version = null, $all_old_option_values = null ) {
	static $original = null;

	// Double-run this function to ensure renaming of the taxonomy options will work.
	if ( ! isset( $original )
		&& has_action( 'wpseo_double_clean_titles', [ $this, 'clean' ] ) === false
	) {
		add_action( 'wpseo_double_clean_titles', [ $this, 'clean' ] );
		$original = $option_value;

	 * Move options from very old option to this one.
	 * {@internal Don't rename to the 'current' names straight away as that would prevent
	 *            the rename/unset combi below from working.}}
	 * @todo [JRF] Maybe figure out a smarter way to deal with this.
	$old_option = null;
	if ( isset( $all_old_option_values ) ) {
		// Ok, we have an import.
		if ( isset( $all_old_option_values['wpseo_indexation'] ) && is_array( $all_old_option_values['wpseo_indexation'] ) && $all_old_option_values['wpseo_indexation'] !== [] ) {
			$old_option = $all_old_option_values['wpseo_indexation'];
	else {
		$old_option = get_option( 'wpseo_indexation' );
	if ( is_array( $old_option ) && $old_option !== [] ) {
		$move = [
			'noindexauthor'     => 'noindex-author',
			'disableauthor'     => 'disable-author',
			'noindexdate'       => 'noindex-archive',
			'noindexcat'        => 'noindex-category',
			'noindextag'        => 'noindex-post_tag',
			'noindexpostformat' => 'noindex-post_format',
		foreach ( $move as $old => $new ) {
			if ( isset( $old_option[ $old ] ) && ! isset( $option_value[ $new ] ) ) {
				$option_value[ $new ] = $old_option[ $old ];
		unset( $move, $old, $new );
	unset( $old_option );

	// Fix wrongness created by buggy version 1.2.2.
	if ( isset( $option_value['title-home'] ) && $option_value['title-home'] === '%%sitename%% - %%sitedesc%% - 12345' ) {
		$option_value['title-home-wpseo'] = '%%sitename%% - %%sitedesc%%';

	 * Renaming these options to avoid ever overwritting these if a (bloody stupid) user /
	 * programmer would use any of the following as a custom post type or custom taxonomy:
	 * 'home', 'author', 'archive', 'search', '404', 'subpages'.
	 * Similarly, renaming the tax options to avoid a custom post type and a taxonomy
	 * with the same name occupying the same option.
	$rename = [
		'title-home'       => 'title-home-wpseo',
		'title-author'     => 'title-author-wpseo',
		'title-archive'    => 'title-archive-wpseo',
		'title-search'     => 'title-search-wpseo',
		'title-404'        => 'title-404-wpseo',
		'metadesc-home'    => 'metadesc-home-wpseo',
		'metadesc-author'  => 'metadesc-author-wpseo',
		'metadesc-archive' => 'metadesc-archive-wpseo',
		'noindex-author'   => 'noindex-author-wpseo',
		'noindex-archive'  => 'noindex-archive-wpseo',
	foreach ( $rename as $old => $new ) {
		if ( isset( $option_value[ $old ] ) && ! isset( $option_value[ $new ] ) ) {
			$option_value[ $new ] = $option_value[ $old ];
			unset( $option_value[ $old ] );
	unset( $rename, $old, $new );

	 * {@internal This clean-up action can only be done effectively once the taxonomies
	 *            and post_types have been registered, i.e. at the end of the init action.}}
	if ( isset( $original ) && current_filter() === 'wpseo_double_clean_titles' || did_action( 'wpseo_double_clean_titles' ) > 0 ) {
		$rename = [
			'title-'           => 'title-tax-',
			'metadesc-'        => 'metadesc-tax-',
			'noindex-'         => 'noindex-tax-',
			'tax-hideeditbox-' => 'hideeditbox-tax-',


		$taxonomy_names  = get_taxonomies( [ 'public' => true ], 'names' );
		$post_type_names = get_post_types( [ 'public' => true ], 'names' );
		$defaults        = $this->get_defaults();
		if ( $taxonomy_names !== [] ) {
			foreach ( $taxonomy_names as $tax ) {
				foreach ( $rename as $old_prefix => $new_prefix ) {
					if (
						( isset( $original[ $old_prefix . $tax ] ) && ! isset( $original[ $new_prefix . $tax ] ) )
						&& ( ! isset( $option_value[ $new_prefix . $tax ] )
							|| ( isset( $option_value[ $new_prefix . $tax ] )
								&& $option_value[ $new_prefix . $tax ] === $defaults[ $new_prefix . $tax ] ) )
					) {
						$option_value[ $new_prefix . $tax ] = $original[ $old_prefix . $tax ];

						 * Check if there is a cpt with the same name as the tax,
						 * if so, we should make sure that the old setting hasn't been removed.
						if ( ! isset( $post_type_names[ $tax ] ) && isset( $option_value[ $old_prefix . $tax ] ) ) {
							unset( $option_value[ $old_prefix . $tax ] );
						elseif ( isset( $post_type_names[ $tax ] ) && ! isset( $option_value[ $old_prefix . $tax ] ) ) {
							$option_value[ $old_prefix . $tax ] = $original[ $old_prefix . $tax ];

						if ( $old_prefix === 'tax-hideeditbox-' ) {
							unset( $option_value[ $old_prefix . $tax ] );
		unset( $rename, $taxonomy_names, $post_type_names, $defaults, $tax, $old_prefix, $new_prefix );

	 * Make sure the values of the variable option key options are cleaned as they
	 * may be retained and would not be cleaned/validated then.
	if ( is_array( $option_value ) && $option_value !== [] ) {
		foreach ( $option_value as $key => $value ) {
			$switch_key = $this->get_switch_key( $key );

			// Similar to validation routine - any changes made there should be made here too.
			switch ( $switch_key ) {
				/* Text fields. */
				case 'title-':
				case 'metadesc-':
				case 'bctitle-ptarchive-':
					$option_value[ $key ] = WPSEO_Utils::sanitize_text_field( $value );

				case 'separator':
					if ( ! array_key_exists( $value, $this->get_separator_options() ) ) {
						$option_value[ $key ] = false;

				 * Boolean fields.

				 * Covers:
				 *  'noindex-'
				 *  'hideeditbox-'
					$option_value[ $key ] = WPSEO_Utils::validate_bool( $value );
		unset( $key, $value, $switch_key );

	return $option_value;