WPSEO_Option_Wpseo::verify_features_against_network()publicYoast 1.0

Verifies that the feature variables are turned off if the network is configured so.

Метод класса: WPSEO_Option_Wpseo{}

Хуков нет.


Разное. Filtered $options value.


$WPSEO_Option_Wpseo = new WPSEO_Option_Wpseo();
$WPSEO_Option_Wpseo->verify_features_against_network( $options );
Value of the option to be returned. Typically an array.
По умолчанию: []

Код WPSEO_Option_Wpseo::verify_features_against_network() Yoast 22.4

public function verify_features_against_network( $options = [] ) {
	if ( ! is_array( $options ) || empty( $options ) ) {
		return $options;

	// For the feature variables, set their values to off in case they are disabled.
	$feature_vars = [
		'disableadvanced_meta'               => false,
		'ryte_indexability'                  => false,
		'content_analysis_active'            => false,
		'keyword_analysis_active'            => false,
		'inclusive_language_analysis_active' => false,
		'enable_admin_bar_menu'              => false,
		'enable_cornerstone_content'         => false,
		'enable_xml_sitemap'                 => false,
		'enable_text_link_counter'           => false,
		'enable_metabox_insights'            => false,
		'enable_link_suggestions'            => false,
		'enable_headless_rest_endpoints'     => false,
		'tracking'                           => false,
		'enable_enhanced_slack_sharing'      => false,
		'semrush_integration_active'         => false,
		'zapier_integration_active'          => false,
		'wincher_integration_active'         => false,
		'remove_feed_global'                 => false,
		'remove_feed_global_comments'        => false,
		'remove_feed_post_comments'          => false,
		'enable_index_now'                   => false,
		'enable_ai_generator'                => false,
		'remove_feed_authors'                => false,
		'remove_feed_categories'             => false,
		'remove_feed_tags'                   => false,
		'remove_feed_custom_taxonomies'      => false,
		'remove_feed_post_types'             => false,
		'remove_feed_search'                 => false,
		'remove_atom_rdf_feeds'              => false,
		'remove_shortlinks'                  => false,
		'remove_rest_api_links'              => false,
		'remove_rsd_wlw_links'               => false,
		'remove_oembed_links'                => false,
		'remove_generator'                   => false,
		'remove_emoji_scripts'               => false,
		'remove_powered_by_header'           => false,
		'remove_pingback_header'             => false,
		'clean_campaign_tracking_urls'       => false,
		'clean_permalinks'                   => false,
		'search_cleanup'                     => false,
		'search_cleanup_emoji'               => false,
		'search_cleanup_patterns'            => false,
		'redirect_search_pretty_urls'        => false,
		'algolia_integration_active'         => false,

	// We can reuse this logic from the base class with the above defaults to parse with the correct feature values.
	$options = $this->prevent_disabled_options_update( $options, $feature_vars );

	return $options;