WPSEO_Replace_Vars::set_basic_help_texts()private staticYoast 1.0

Set/translate the help texts for the WPSEO standard basic variables.

Метод класса: WPSEO_Replace_Vars{}

Хуков нет.


null. Ничего (null).


$result = WPSEO_Replace_Vars::set_basic_help_texts();

Код WPSEO_Replace_Vars::set_basic_help_texts() Yoast 22.4

private static function set_basic_help_texts() {
	/* translators: %s: wp_title() function. */
	$separator_description = __( 'The separator defined in your theme\'s %s tag.', 'wordpress-seo' );
	$separator_description = sprintf(
		// '<code>wp_title()</code>'

	$replacement_variables = [
		new WPSEO_Replacement_Variable( 'date', __( 'Date', 'wordpress-seo' ), __( 'Replaced with the date of the post/page', 'wordpress-seo' ) ),
		new WPSEO_Replacement_Variable( 'title', __( 'Title', 'wordpress-seo' ), __( 'Replaced with the title of the post/page', 'wordpress-seo' ) ),
		new WPSEO_Replacement_Variable( 'parent_title', __( 'Parent title', 'wordpress-seo' ), __( 'Replaced with the title of the parent page of the current page', 'wordpress-seo' ) ),
		new WPSEO_Replacement_Variable( 'archive_title', __( 'Archive title', 'wordpress-seo' ), __( 'Replaced with the normal title for an archive generated by WordPress', 'wordpress-seo' ) ),
		new WPSEO_Replacement_Variable( 'sitename', __( 'Site title', 'wordpress-seo' ), __( 'The site\'s name', 'wordpress-seo' ) ),
		new WPSEO_Replacement_Variable( 'sitedesc', __( 'Tagline', 'wordpress-seo' ), __( 'The site\'s tagline', 'wordpress-seo' ) ),
		new WPSEO_Replacement_Variable( 'excerpt', __( 'Excerpt', 'wordpress-seo' ), __( 'Replaced with the post/page excerpt (or auto-generated if it does not exist)', 'wordpress-seo' ) ),
		new WPSEO_Replacement_Variable( 'excerpt_only', __( 'Excerpt only', 'wordpress-seo' ), __( 'Replaced with the post/page excerpt (without auto-generation)', 'wordpress-seo' ) ),
		new WPSEO_Replacement_Variable( 'tag', __( 'Tag', 'wordpress-seo' ), __( 'Replaced with the current tag/tags', 'wordpress-seo' ) ),
		new WPSEO_Replacement_Variable( 'category', __( 'Category', 'wordpress-seo' ), __( 'Replaced with the post categories (comma separated)', 'wordpress-seo' ) ),
		new WPSEO_Replacement_Variable( 'primary_category', __( 'Primary category', 'wordpress-seo' ), __( 'Replaced with the primary category of the post/page', 'wordpress-seo' ) ),
		new WPSEO_Replacement_Variable( 'category_description', __( 'Category description', 'wordpress-seo' ), __( 'Replaced with the category description', 'wordpress-seo' ) ),
		new WPSEO_Replacement_Variable( 'tag_description', __( 'Tag description', 'wordpress-seo' ), __( 'Replaced with the tag description', 'wordpress-seo' ) ),
		new WPSEO_Replacement_Variable( 'term_description', __( 'Term description', 'wordpress-seo' ), __( 'Replaced with the term description', 'wordpress-seo' ) ),
		new WPSEO_Replacement_Variable( 'term_title', __( 'Term title', 'wordpress-seo' ), __( 'Replaced with the term name', 'wordpress-seo' ) ),
		new WPSEO_Replacement_Variable( 'searchphrase', __( 'Search phrase', 'wordpress-seo' ), __( 'Replaced with the current search phrase', 'wordpress-seo' ) ),
		new WPSEO_Replacement_Variable( 'term_hierarchy', __( 'Term hierarchy', 'wordpress-seo' ), __( 'Replaced with the term ancestors hierarchy', 'wordpress-seo' ) ),
		new WPSEO_Replacement_Variable( 'sep', __( 'Separator', 'wordpress-seo' ), $separator_description ),
		new WPSEO_Replacement_Variable( 'currentdate', __( 'Current date', 'wordpress-seo' ), __( 'Replaced with the current date', 'wordpress-seo' ) ),
		new WPSEO_Replacement_Variable( 'currentyear', __( 'Current year', 'wordpress-seo' ), __( 'Replaced with the current year', 'wordpress-seo' ) ),
		new WPSEO_Replacement_Variable( 'currentmonth', __( 'Current month', 'wordpress-seo' ), __( 'Replaced with the current month', 'wordpress-seo' ) ),
		new WPSEO_Replacement_Variable( 'currentday', __( 'Current day', 'wordpress-seo' ), __( 'Replaced with the current day', 'wordpress-seo' ) ),
		new WPSEO_Replacement_Variable( 'post_year', __( 'Post year', 'wordpress-seo' ), __( 'Replaced with the year the post was published', 'wordpress-seo' ) ),
		new WPSEO_Replacement_Variable( 'post_month', __( 'Post month', 'wordpress-seo' ), __( 'Replaced with the month the post was published', 'wordpress-seo' ) ),
		new WPSEO_Replacement_Variable( 'post_day', __( 'Post day', 'wordpress-seo' ), __( 'Replaced with the day the post was published', 'wordpress-seo' ) ),
		new WPSEO_Replacement_Variable( 'author_first_name', __( 'Author first name', 'wordpress-seo' ), __( 'Replaced with the first name of the author', 'wordpress-seo' ) ),
		new WPSEO_Replacement_Variable( 'author_last_name', __( 'Author last name', 'wordpress-seo' ), __( 'Replaced with the last name of the author', 'wordpress-seo' ) ),
		new WPSEO_Replacement_Variable( 'permalink', __( 'Permalink', 'wordpress-seo' ), __( 'Replaced with the permalink', 'wordpress-seo' ) ),
		new WPSEO_Replacement_Variable( 'post_content', __( 'Post Content', 'wordpress-seo' ), __( 'Replaced with the post content', 'wordpress-seo' ) ),
		new WPSEO_Replacement_Variable( 'category_title', __( 'Category Title', 'wordpress-seo' ), __( 'Current or first category title', 'wordpress-seo' ) ),

	foreach ( $replacement_variables as $replacement_variable ) {
		self::register_help_text( 'basic', $replacement_variable );