WPSEO_Utils::extend_kses_post_with_forms()public staticYoast 1.0

Extends the allowed post tags with input, select and option tags.

Метод класса: WPSEO_Utils{}

Хуков нет.


Массив. The allowed tags including post tags, input tags, select tags and option tags.


$result = WPSEO_Utils::extend_kses_post_with_forms( $allowed_post_tags );
$allowed_post_tags(массив) (обязательный)
The allowed post tags.

Код WPSEO_Utils::extend_kses_post_with_forms() Yoast 22.4

public static function extend_kses_post_with_forms( $allowed_post_tags ) {
	static $input_tags;

	if ( isset( $input_tags ) === false ) {
		$input_tags = [
			'input' => [
				'accept'          => true,
				'accesskey'       => true,
				'align'           => true,
				'alt'             => true,
				'autocomplete'    => true,
				'autofocus'       => true,
				'checked'         => true,
				'contenteditable' => true,
				'dirname'         => true,
				'disabled'        => true,
				'draggable'       => true,
				'dropzone'        => true,
				'form'            => true,
				'formaction'      => true,
				'formenctype'     => true,
				'formmethod'      => true,
				'formnovalidate'  => true,
				'formtarget'      => true,
				'height'          => true,
				'hidden'          => true,
				'lang'            => true,
				'list'            => true,
				'max'             => true,
				'maxlength'       => true,
				'min'             => true,
				'multiple'        => true,
				'name'            => true,
				'pattern'         => true,
				'placeholder'     => true,
				'readonly'        => true,
				'required'        => true,
				'size'            => true,
				'spellcheck'      => true,
				'src'             => true,
				'step'            => true,
				'tabindex'        => true,
				'translate'       => true,
				'type'            => true,
				'value'           => true,
				'width'           => true,

				 * Below are attributes that are needed for backwards compatibility (WP < 5.1).
				 * They are used for the social media image in the metabox.
				 * These can be removed once we move to the React versions of the social previews.
				'data-target'     => true,
				'data-target-id'  => true,
			'select' => [
				'accesskey'       => true,
				'autofocus'       => true,
				'contenteditable' => true,
				'disabled'        => true,
				'draggable'       => true,
				'dropzone'        => true,
				'form'            => true,
				'hidden'          => true,
				'lang'            => true,
				'multiple'        => true,
				'name'            => true,
				'onblur'          => true,
				'onchange'        => true,
				'oncontextmenu'   => true,
				'onfocus'         => true,
				'oninput'         => true,
				'oninvalid'       => true,
				'onreset'         => true,
				'onsearch'        => true,
				'onselect'        => true,
				'onsubmit'        => true,
				'required'        => true,
				'size'            => true,
				'spellcheck'      => true,
				'tabindex'        => true,
				'translate'       => true,
			'option' => [
				'class'    => true,
				'disabled' => true,
				'id'       => true,
				'label'    => true,
				'selected' => true,
				'value'    => true,

		// Add the global allowed attributes to each html element.
		$input_tags = array_map( '_wp_add_global_attributes', $input_tags );

	return array_merge_recursive( $allowed_post_tags, $input_tags );