Remove notification after it has been displayed.
Метод класса: Yoast_Notification_Center{}
Хуков нет.
. Ничего (null).
$Yoast_Notification_Center = new Yoast_Notification_Center(); $Yoast_Notification_Center->remove_notification( $notification, $resolve );
- $notification(Yoast_Notification) (обязательный)
- Notification to remove.
- $resolve(true|false)
- Resolve as fixed.
По умолчанию: true
Код Yoast_Notification_Center::remove_notification() Yoast Notification Center::remove notification Yoast 24.0
public function remove_notification( Yoast_Notification $notification, $resolve = true ) { $callback = [ $this, __FUNCTION__ ]; $args = func_get_args(); if ( $this->queue_transaction( $callback, $args ) ) { return; } $index = false; // ID of the user to show the notification for, defaults to current user id. $user_id = $notification->get_user_id(); $notifications = $this->get_notifications_for_user( $user_id ); // Match persistent Notifications by ID, non persistent by item in the array. if ( $notification->is_persistent() ) { foreach ( $notifications as $current_index => $present_notification ) { if ( $present_notification->get_id() === $notification->get_id() ) { $index = $current_index; break; } } } else { $index = array_search( $notification, $notifications, true ); } if ( $index === false ) { return; } if ( $notification->is_persistent() && $resolve ) { ++$this->resolved; $this->clear_dismissal( $notification ); } unset( $notifications[ $index ] ); $this->notifications[ $user_id ] = array_values( $notifications ); $this->notifications_need_storage = true; }