wpseo_posts_for_related_keywords хук-фильтрYoast 1.0

Allows enhancing the array of posts' that share their focus Keyphrase with the post's related Keyphrase.


add_filter( 'wpseo_posts_for_related_keywords', 'wp_kama_wpseo_posts_for_related_keywords_filter', 10, 2 );

 * Function for `wpseo_posts_for_related_keywords` filter-hook.
 * @param array $usage   The array of posts' ids that share their focus Keyphrase with the post.
 * @param int           $post_id The id of the post we're finding the usage of related Keyphrase for.
 * @return array
function wp_kama_wpseo_posts_for_related_keywords_filter( $usage, $post_id ){

	// filter...
	return $usage;
The array of posts' ids that share their focus Keyphrase with the post.
The id of the post we're finding the usage of related Keyphrase for.

Где вызывается хук

yoast/src/editors/framework/seo/posts/keyphrase-data-provider.php 48
return \apply_filters( 'wpseo_posts_for_related_keywords', $usage, $this->post->ID );

Где используется хук в Yoast SEO

Использование не найдено.