Determines whether WordPress is currently serving a REST API request.
The function relies on the 'REST_REQUEST' global. As such, it only returns true when an actual REST _request_ is being made. It does not return true when a REST endpoint is hit as part of another request, e.g. for preloading a REST response. See wp_is_rest_endpoint() for that purpose.
This function should not be called until the parse_request action, as the constant is only defined then, even for an actual REST request.
Хуков нет.
. True if it's a WordPress REST API request, false otherwise.
Список изменений
С версии 6.5.0 | Введена. |
Код wp_is_serving_rest_request() wp is serving rest request WP 6.6.2
function wp_is_serving_rest_request() { return defined( 'REST_REQUEST' ) && REST_REQUEST; }