acf_revisions{}ACF 1.0

Хуков нет.


$acf_revisions = new acf_revisions();
// use class methods


  1. public __construct()
  2. public acf_validate_post_id( $post_id, $_post_id )
  3. public wp_post_revision_field( $value, $field_name, $post = null, $direction = false )
  4. public wp_post_revision_fields( $fields, $post = null )
  5. public wp_preview_post_fields( $fields )
  6. public wp_restore_post_revision( $post_id, $revision_id )
  7. public wp_save_post_revision_check_for_changes( $return, $last_revision, $post )

Код acf_revisions{} ACF 6.0.4

class acf_revisions {

	// vars
	var $cache = array();

	*  __construct
	*  A good place to add actions / filters
	*  @type    function
	*  @date    11/08/13
	*  @param   N/A
	*  @return  N/A

	function __construct() {

		// actions
		add_action( 'wp_restore_post_revision', array( $this, 'wp_restore_post_revision' ), 10, 2 );

		// filters
		add_filter( 'wp_save_post_revision_check_for_changes', array( $this, 'wp_save_post_revision_check_for_changes' ), 10, 3 );
		add_filter( '_wp_post_revision_fields', array( $this, 'wp_preview_post_fields' ), 10, 2 );
		add_filter( '_wp_post_revision_fields', array( $this, 'wp_post_revision_fields' ), 10, 2 );
		add_filter( 'acf/validate_post_id', array( $this, 'acf_validate_post_id' ), 10, 2 );


	*  wp_preview_post_fields
	*  This function is used to trick WP into thinking that one of the $post's fields has changed and
	*  will allow an autosave to be updated.
	*  Fixes an odd bug causing the preview page to render the non autosave post data on every odd attempt
	*  @type    function
	*  @date    21/10/2014
	*  @since   5.1.0
	*  @param   $fields (array)
	*  @return  $fields

	function wp_preview_post_fields( $fields ) {

		// bail early if not previewing a post
		if ( acf_maybe_get_POST( 'wp-preview' ) !== 'dopreview' ) {
			return $fields;

		// add to fields if ACF has changed
		if ( acf_maybe_get_POST( '_acf_changed' ) ) {

			$fields['_acf_changed'] = 'different than 1';


		// return
		return $fields;


	*  wp_save_post_revision_check_for_changes
	*  This filter will return false and force WP to save a revision. This is required due to
	*  WP checking only post_title, post_excerpt and post_content values, not custom fields.
	*  @type    filter
	*  @date    19/09/13
	*  @param   $return (boolean) defaults to true
	*  @param   $last_revision (object) the last revision that WP will compare against
	*  @param   $post (object) the $post that WP will compare against
	*  @return  $return (boolean)

	function wp_save_post_revision_check_for_changes( $return, $last_revision, $post ) {

		// if acf has changed, return false and prevent WP from performing 'compare' logic
		if ( acf_maybe_get_POST( '_acf_changed' ) ) {
			return false;

		// return
		return $return;


	*  wp_post_revision_fields
	*  This filter will add the ACF fields to the returned array
	*  Versions 3.5 and 3.6 of WP feature different uses of the revisions filters, so there are
	*  some hacks to allow both versions to work correctly
	*  @type    filter
	*  @date    11/08/13
	*  @param   $post_id (int)
	*  @return  $post_id (int)

	function wp_post_revision_fields( $fields, $post = null ) {

		// validate page
		if ( acf_is_screen( 'revision' ) || acf_is_ajax( 'get-revision-diffs' ) ) {

			// bail early if is restoring
			if ( acf_maybe_get_GET( 'action' ) === 'restore' ) {
				return $fields;

			// allow

		} else {

			// bail early (most likely saving a post)
			return $fields;


		// vars
		$append  = array();
		$order   = array();
		$post_id = acf_maybe_get( $post, 'ID' );

		// compatibility with WP < 4.5 (test)
		if ( ! $post_id ) {

			global $post;
			$post_id = $post->ID;


		// get all postmeta
		$meta = get_post_meta( $post_id );

		// bail early if no meta
		if ( ! $meta ) {
			return $fields;

		// loop
		foreach ( $meta as $name => $value ) {

			// attempt to find key value
			$key = acf_maybe_get( $meta, '_' . $name );

			// bail early if no key
			if ( ! $key ) {

			// update vars
			$value = $value[0];
			$key   = $key[0];

			// Load field.
			$field = acf_get_field( $key );
			if ( ! $field ) {

			// get field
			$field_title = $field['label'] . ' (' . $name . ')';
			$field_order = $field['menu_order'];
			$ancestors   = acf_get_field_ancestors( $field );

			// ancestors
			if ( ! empty( $ancestors ) ) {

				// vars
				$count  = count( $ancestors );
				$oldest = acf_get_field( $ancestors[ $count - 1 ] );

				// update vars
				$field_title = str_repeat( '- ', $count ) . $field_title;
				$field_order = $oldest['menu_order'] . '.1';


			// append
			$append[ $name ] = $field_title;
			$order[ $name ]  = $field_order;

			// hook into specific revision field filter and return local value
			add_filter( "_wp_post_revision_field_{$name}", array( $this, 'wp_post_revision_field' ), 10, 4 );


		// append
		if ( ! empty( $append ) ) {

			// vars
			$prefix = '_';

			// add prefix
			$append = acf_add_array_key_prefix( $append, $prefix );
			$order  = acf_add_array_key_prefix( $order, $prefix );

			// sort by name (orders sub field values correctly)
			array_multisort( $order, $append );

			// remove prefix
			$append = acf_remove_array_key_prefix( $append, $prefix );

			// append
			$fields = $fields + $append;


		// return
		return $fields;


	*  wp_post_revision_field
	*  This filter will load the value for the given field and return it for rendering
	*  @type    filter
	*  @date    11/08/13
	*  @param   $value (mixed) should be false as it has not yet been loaded
	*  @param   $field_name (string) The name of the field
	*  @param   $post (mixed) Holds the $post object to load from - in WP 3.5, this is not passed!
	*  @param   $direction (string) to / from - not used
	*  @return  $value (string)
	function wp_post_revision_field( $value, $field_name, $post = null, $direction = false ) {

		// bail early if is empty.
		if ( empty( $value ) ) {
			return $value;

		$value   = maybe_unserialize( $value );
		$post_id = $post->ID;

		// load field.
		$field = acf_maybe_get_field( $field_name, $post_id );

		// default formatting.
		if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
			$value = implode( ', ', $value );
		} elseif ( is_object( $value ) ) {
			$value = serialize( $value );

		// image.
		if ( is_array( $field ) && isset( $field['type'] ) && ( $field['type'] === 'image' || $field['type'] === 'file' ) ) {
			$url   = wp_get_attachment_url( $value );
			$value = $value . ' (' . $url . ')';

		return $value;

	*  wp_restore_post_revision
	*  This action will copy and paste the metadata from a revision to the post
	*  @type    action
	*  @date    11/08/13
	*  @param   $parent_id (int) the destination post
	*  @return  $revision_id (int) the source post

	function wp_restore_post_revision( $post_id, $revision_id ) {

		// copy postmeta from revision to post (restore from revision)
		acf_copy_postmeta( $revision_id, $post_id );

		// Make sure the latest revision is also updated to match the new $post data
		// get latest revision
		$revision = acf_get_post_latest_revision( $post_id );

		// save
		if ( $revision ) {

			// copy postmeta from revision to latest revision (potentialy may be the same, but most likely are different)
			acf_copy_postmeta( $revision_id, $revision->ID );



	*  acf_validate_post_id
	*  This function will modify the $post_id and allow loading values from a revision
	*  @type    function
	*  @date    6/3/17
	*  @since   5.5.10
	*  @param   $post_id (int)
	*  @param   $_post_id (int)
	*  @return  $post_id (int)

	function acf_validate_post_id( $post_id, $_post_id ) {

		// phpcs:disable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended
		// bail early if no preview in URL
		if ( ! isset( $_GET['preview'] ) ) {
			return $post_id;

		// bail early if $post_id is not numeric
		if ( ! is_numeric( $post_id ) ) {
			return $post_id;

		// vars
		$k          = $post_id;
		$preview_id = 0;

		// check cache
		if ( isset( $this->cache[ $k ] ) ) {
			return $this->cache[ $k ];

		// validate
		if ( isset( $_GET['preview_id'] ) ) {

			$preview_id = (int) $_GET['preview_id'];

		} elseif ( isset( $_GET['p'] ) ) {

			$preview_id = (int) $_GET['p'];

		} elseif ( isset( $_GET['page_id'] ) ) {

			$preview_id = (int) $_GET['page_id'];

		// phpcs:enable WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Recommended

		// bail early id $preview_id does not match $post_id
		if ( $preview_id != $post_id ) {
			return $post_id;

		// attempt find revision
		$revision = acf_get_post_latest_revision( $post_id );

		// save
		if ( $revision && $revision->post_parent == $post_id ) {

			$post_id = (int) $revision->ID;


		// set cache
		$this->cache[ $k ] = $post_id;

		// return
		return $post_id;

