WPCF7_MailTaggedText{}CF7 1.0

Class that represents a single-line text including mail-tags.


$WPCF7_MailTaggedText = new WPCF7_MailTaggedText();
// use class methods


  1. public __construct( $content, $options = '' )
  2. public format( $original, $format )
  3. public get_replaced_tags()
  4. public replace_tags()
  5. private replace_tags_callback( $matches, $html = false )
  6. private replace_tags_callback_html( $matches )

Код WPCF7_MailTaggedText{} CF7 5.9.8

class WPCF7_MailTaggedText {

	private $html = false;
	private $callback = null;
	private $content = '';
	private $replaced_tags = array();

	 * The constructor method.
	public function __construct( $content, $options = '' ) {
		$options = wp_parse_args( $options, array(
			'html' => false,
			'callback' => null,
		) );

		$this->html = (bool) $options['html'];

		if ( null !== $options['callback']
		and is_callable( $options['callback'] ) ) {
			$this->callback = $options['callback'];
		} elseif ( $this->html ) {
			$this->callback = array( $this, 'replace_tags_callback_html' );
		} else {
			$this->callback = array( $this, 'replace_tags_callback' );

		$this->content = $content;

	 * Retrieves mail-tags that have been replaced by this instance.
	 * @return array List of mail-tags replaced.
	public function get_replaced_tags() {
		return $this->replaced_tags;

	 * Replaces mail-tags based on regexp.
	public function replace_tags() {
		$regex = '/(\[?)\[[\t ]*'
			. '([a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z:._-]*)' // [2] = name
			. '((?:[\t ]+"[^"]*"|[\t ]+\'[^\']*\')*)' // [3] = values
			. '[\t ]*\](\]?)/';

		return preg_replace_callback( $regex, $this->callback, $this->content );

	 * Callback function for replacement. For HTML message body.
	private function replace_tags_callback_html( $matches ) {
		return $this->replace_tags_callback( $matches, true );

	 * Callback function for replacement.
	private function replace_tags_callback( $matches, $html = false ) {
		// allow [[foo]] syntax for escaping a tag
		if ( $matches[1] == '['
		and $matches[4] == ']' ) {
			return substr( $matches[0], 1, -1 );

		$tag = $matches[0];
		$tagname = $matches[2];
		$values = $matches[3];

		$mail_tag = new WPCF7_MailTag( $tag, $tagname, $values );
		$field_name = $mail_tag->field_name();

		$submission = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance();
		$submitted = $submission
			? $submission->get_posted_data( $field_name )
			: null;

		if ( $mail_tag->get_option( 'do_not_heat' ) ) {
			$submitted = wp_unslash( $_POST[$field_name] ?? '' );

		$replaced = $submitted;

		if ( null !== $replaced ) {
			if ( $format = $mail_tag->get_option( 'format' ) ) {
				$replaced = $this->format( $replaced, $format );

			$separator = ( 'body' === WPCF7_Mail::get_current_component_name() )
				? wp_get_list_item_separator()
				: ', ';

			$replaced = wpcf7_flat_join( $replaced, array(
				'separator' => $separator,
			) );

			if ( $html ) {
				$replaced = esc_html( $replaced );
				$replaced = wptexturize( $replaced );

		if ( $form_tag = $mail_tag->corresponding_form_tag() ) {
			$type = $form_tag->type;

			$replaced = apply_filters(
				"wpcf7_mail_tag_replaced_{$type}", $replaced,
				$submitted, $html, $mail_tag

		$replaced = apply_filters(
			'wpcf7_mail_tag_replaced', $replaced,
			$submitted, $html, $mail_tag

		if ( null !== $replaced ) {
			$replaced = trim( $replaced );

			$this->replaced_tags[$tag] = $replaced;
			return $replaced;

		$special = apply_filters( 'wpcf7_special_mail_tags', null,
			$mail_tag->tag_name(), $html, $mail_tag

		if ( null !== $special ) {
			$this->replaced_tags[$tag] = $special;
			return $special;

		return $tag;

	 * Formats string based on the formatting option in the form-tag.
	public function format( $original, $format ) {
		$original = (array) $original;

		foreach ( $original as $key => $value ) {
			if ( preg_match( '/^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$/', $value ) ) {
				$datetime = date_create( $value, wp_timezone() );

				if ( false !== $datetime ) {
					$original[$key] = wp_date( $format, $datetime->getTimestamp() );

		return $original;
