TransientFilesEngine{} │ WC 1.0
Transient files engine class.
This class contains methods that allow creating files that have an expiration date.
A transient file is created by invoking the create_transient_file method, which accepts the file contents and the expiration date as arguments. Transient file names are composed by concatenating the expiration date encoded in hexadecimal (3 digits for the year, 1 for the month and 2 for the day) and a random string of hexadecimal digits.
Transient files are stored in a directory whose default route is wp-content/uploads/woocommerce_transient_files/yyyy-mm-dd, where "yyyy-mm-dd" is the expiration date (year, month and day). The base route (minus the expiration date part) can be changed via a dedicated hook.
Transient files that haven't expired (the expiration date is today or in the future) can be obtained remotely via a dedicated URL, <server root>/wc/file/transient/<file name>. This URL is public (no authentication is required). The content type of the response will always be "text/html".
Cleanup of expired files is handled by the delete_expired_files method, which can be invoked manually but there's a dedicated scheduled action that will invoke it that can be started and stopped via a dedicated tool available in the WooCommerce tools page. The action runs once per day but this can be customized via a dedicated hook.
Хуки из класса
$TransientFilesEngine = new TransientFilesEngine(); // use class methods
- public add_debug_tools_entries( array $tools_array )
- public static add_endpoint()
- public create_transient_file( string $file_contents, $expiration_date )
- private delete_directory_if_not_empty( string $directory )
- public delete_expired_files( int $limit = 1000 )
- public delete_transient_file( string $filename )
- public expired_files_cleanup_is_scheduled()
- public file_has_expired( string $file_path )
- public static get_expiration_date( string $filename )
- public get_public_url( string $filename )
- public get_transient_file_path( string $filename )
- public get_transient_files_directory()
- public handle_expired_files_cleanup_action()
- public handle_parse_request()
- public handle_query_vars( $vars )
- public init( LegacyProxy $legacy_proxy )
- public register()
- public schedule_expired_files_cleanup()
- private serve_file_contents( string $file_name )
- public unschedule_expired_files_cleanup()
Код TransientFilesEngine{} TransientFilesEngine{} WC 9.6.1
class TransientFilesEngine implements RegisterHooksInterface { private const CLEANUP_ACTION_NAME = 'woocommerce_expired_transient_files_cleanup'; private const CLEANUP_ACTION_GROUP = 'wc_batch_processes'; /** * The instance of LegacyProxy to use. * * @var LegacyProxy */ private $legacy_proxy; /** * Register hooks. */ public function register() { add_action( self::CLEANUP_ACTION_NAME, array( $this, 'handle_expired_files_cleanup_action' ) ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_debug_tools', array( $this, 'add_debug_tools_entries' ), 999, 1 ); add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'add_endpoint' ), 0 ); add_filter( 'query_vars', array( $this, 'handle_query_vars' ), 0 ); add_action( 'parse_request', array( $this, 'handle_parse_request' ), 0 ); } /** * Class initialization, to be executed when the class is resolved by the container. * * @internal * * @param LegacyProxy $legacy_proxy The instance of LegacyProxy to use. */ final public function init( LegacyProxy $legacy_proxy ) { $this->legacy_proxy = $legacy_proxy; } /** * Get the base directory where transient files are stored. * * The default base directory is the WordPress uploads directory plus "woocommerce_transient_files". This can * be changed by using the woocommerce_transient_files_directory filter. * * If the woocommerce_transient_files_directory filter is not used and the default base directory * doesn't exist, it will be created. If the filter is used it's the responsibility of the caller * to ensure that the custom directory exists, otherwise an exception will be thrown. * * The actual directory for each existing file will be the base directory plus the expiration date * of the file formatted as 'yyyy-mm-dd'. * * @return string Effective base directory where transient files are stored. * @throws Exception The custom base directory (as specified via filter) doesn't exist, or the default base directory can't be created. */ public function get_transient_files_directory(): string { $upload_dir_info = $this->legacy_proxy->call_function( 'wp_upload_dir' ); $default_transient_files_directory = untrailingslashit( $upload_dir_info['basedir'] ) . '/woocommerce_transient_files'; /** * Filters the directory where transient files are stored. * * Note that this is used for both creating new files (with create_file_by_rendering_template) * and retrieving existing files (with get_file_by_*). * * @param string $transient_files_directory The default directory for transient files. * @return string The actual directory to use for storing transient files. * * @since 8.5.0 */ $transient_files_directory = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_transient_files_directory', $default_transient_files_directory ); $realpathed_transient_files_directory = $this->legacy_proxy->call_function( 'realpath', $transient_files_directory ); if ( false === $realpathed_transient_files_directory ) { if ( $transient_files_directory === $default_transient_files_directory ) { if ( ! $this->legacy_proxy->call_function( 'wp_mkdir_p', $transient_files_directory ) ) { throw new Exception( "Can't create directory: $transient_files_directory" ); } // Create infrastructure to prevent listing the contents of the transient files directory. require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php'; \WP_Filesystem(); $wp_filesystem = $this->legacy_proxy->get_global( 'wp_filesystem' ); $wp_filesystem->put_contents( $transient_files_directory . '/.htaccess', 'deny from all' ); $wp_filesystem->put_contents( $transient_files_directory . '/index.html', '' ); $realpathed_transient_files_directory = $this->legacy_proxy->call_function( 'realpath', $transient_files_directory ); } else { throw new Exception( "The base transient files directory doesn't exist: $transient_files_directory" ); } } return untrailingslashit( $realpathed_transient_files_directory ); } /** * Create a transient file. * * @param string $file_contents The contents of the file. * @param string|int $expiration_date A string representing the expiration date formatted as "yyyy-mm-dd", or a number representing the expiration date as a timestamp (the time of day part will be ignored). * @return string The name of the transient file created (without path information). * @throws \InvalidArgumentException Invalid expiration date (wrongly formatted, or it's a date in the past). * @throws \Exception The directory to store the file doesn't exist and can't be created. */ public function create_transient_file( string $file_contents, $expiration_date ): string { if ( is_numeric( $expiration_date ) ) { $expiration_date = gmdate( 'Y-m-d', $expiration_date ); } elseif ( ! is_string( $expiration_date ) || ! TimeUtil::is_valid_date( $expiration_date, 'Y-m-d' ) ) { $expiration_date = is_scalar( $expiration_date ) ? $expiration_date : gettype( $expiration_date ); throw new InvalidArgumentException( "$expiration_date is not a valid date, expected format: YYYY-MM-DD" ); } $expiration_date_object = DateTime::createFromFormat( 'Y-m-d', $expiration_date, TimeUtil::get_utc_date_time_zone() ); $today_date_object = new DateTime( $this->legacy_proxy->call_function( 'gmdate', 'Y-m-d' ), TimeUtil::get_utc_date_time_zone() ); if ( $expiration_date_object < $today_date_object ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "The supplied expiration date, $expiration_date, is in the past" ); } $filename = bin2hex( $this->legacy_proxy->call_function( 'random_bytes', 16 ) ); $transient_files_directory = $this->get_transient_files_directory(); $transient_files_directory .= '/' . $expiration_date_object->format( 'Y-m-d' ); if ( ! $this->legacy_proxy->call_function( 'is_dir', $transient_files_directory ) ) { if ( ! $this->legacy_proxy->call_function( 'wp_mkdir_p', $transient_files_directory ) ) { throw new Exception( "Can't create directory: $transient_files_directory" ); } } $filepath = $transient_files_directory . '/' . $filename; require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php'; \WP_Filesystem(); $wp_filesystem = $this->legacy_proxy->get_global( 'wp_filesystem' ); if ( false === $wp_filesystem->put_contents( $filepath, $file_contents ) ) { throw new Exception( "Can't create file: $filepath" ); } return sprintf( '%03x%01x%02x%s', $expiration_date_object->format( 'Y' ), $expiration_date_object->format( 'm' ), $expiration_date_object->format( 'd' ), $filename ); } /** * Get the full physical path of a transient file given its name. * * @param string $filename The name of the transient file to locate. * @return string|null The full physical path of the file, or null if the files doesn't exist. */ public function get_transient_file_path( string $filename ): ?string { $expiration_date = self::get_expiration_date( $filename ); if ( is_null( $expiration_date ) ) { return null; } $file_path = $this->get_transient_files_directory() . '/' . $expiration_date . '/' . substr( $filename, 6 ); return is_file( $file_path ) ? $file_path : null; } /** * Get the expiration date of a transient file based on its file name. The actual existence of the file is NOT checked. * * @param string $filename The name of the transient file to get the expiration date for. * @return string|null Expiration date formatted as Y-m-d, null if the file name isn't encoding a proper date. */ public static function get_expiration_date( string $filename ) : ?string { if ( strlen( $filename ) < 7 || ! ctype_xdigit( $filename ) ) { return null; } $expiration_date = sprintf( '%04d-%02d-%02d', hexdec( substr( $filename, 0, 3 ) ), hexdec( substr( $filename, 3, 1 ) ), hexdec( substr( $filename, 4, 2 ) ) ); return TimeUtil::is_valid_date( $expiration_date, 'Y-m-d' ) ? $expiration_date : null; } /** * Get the public URL of a transient file. The file name is NOT checked for validity or actual existence. * * @param string $filename The name of the transient file to get the public URL for. * @return string The public URL of the file. */ public function get_public_url( string $filename ) { return $this->legacy_proxy->call_function( 'get_site_url', null, '/wc/file/transient/' . $filename ); } /** * Verify if a file has expired, given its full physical file path. * * Given a file name returned by 'create_transient_file', the procedure to check if it has expired is as follows: * * 1. Use 'get_transient_file_path' to obtain the full file path. * 2. If the above returns null, the file doesn't exist anymore (likely it expired and was deleted by the cleanup process). * 3. Otherwise, use 'file_has_expired' passing the obtained full file path. * * @param string $file_path The full file path to check. * @return bool True if the file has expired, false otherwise. * @throws \Exception Thrown by DateTime if a wrong file path is passed. */ public function file_has_expired( string $file_path ): bool { $dirname = dirname( $file_path ); $expiration_date = basename( $dirname ); $expiration_date_object = new DateTime( $expiration_date, TimeUtil::get_utc_date_time_zone() ); $today_date_object = new DateTime( $this->legacy_proxy->call_function( 'gmdate', 'Y-m-d' ), TimeUtil::get_utc_date_time_zone() ); return $expiration_date_object < $today_date_object; } /** * Delete an existing transient file. * * @param string $filename The name of the file to delete. * @return bool True if the file has been deleted, false otherwise (the file didn't exist). */ public function delete_transient_file( string $filename ): bool { $file_path = $this->get_transient_file_path( $filename ); if ( is_null( $file_path ) ) { return false; } $dirname = dirname( $file_path ); wp_delete_file( $file_path ); $this->delete_directory_if_not_empty( $dirname ); return true; } /** * Delete expired transient files from the filesystem. * * @param int $limit Maximum number of files to delete. * @return array "deleted_count" with the number of files actually deleted, "files_remain" that will be true if there are still files left to delete. * @throws Exception The base directory for transient files (possibly changed via filter) doesn't exist. */ public function delete_expired_files( int $limit = 1000 ): array { $expiration_date_gmt = $this->legacy_proxy->call_function( 'gmdate', 'Y-m-d' ); $base_dir = $this->get_transient_files_directory(); $subdirs = glob( $base_dir . '/[2-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[01][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]', GLOB_ONLYDIR ); if ( false === $subdirs ) { throw new Exception( "Error when getting the list of subdirectories of $base_dir" ); } $subdirs = array_map( fn( $name ) => substr( $name, strlen( $name ) - 10, 10 ), $subdirs ); $expired_subdirs = array_filter( $subdirs, fn( $name ) => $name < $expiration_date_gmt ); asort( $subdirs ); // We want to delete files starting with the oldest expiration month. $remaining_limit = $limit; $limit_reached = false; foreach ( $expired_subdirs as $subdir ) { $full_dir_path = $base_dir . '/' . $subdir; $files_to_delete = glob( $full_dir_path . '/*' ); if ( count( $files_to_delete ) > $remaining_limit ) { $limit_reached = true; $files_to_delete = array_slice( $files_to_delete, 0, $remaining_limit ); } array_map( 'wp_delete_file', $files_to_delete ); $remaining_limit -= count( $files_to_delete ); $this->delete_directory_if_not_empty( $full_dir_path ); if ( $limit_reached ) { break; } } return array( 'deleted_count' => $limit - $remaining_limit, 'files_remain' => $limit_reached, ); } /** * Is the expired files cleanup action currently scheduled? * * @return bool True if the expired files cleanup action is currently scheduled, false otherwise. */ public function expired_files_cleanup_is_scheduled(): bool { return as_has_scheduled_action( self::CLEANUP_ACTION_NAME, array(), self::CLEANUP_ACTION_GROUP ); } /** * Schedule an action that will do one round of expired files cleanup. * The action is scheduled to run immediately. If a previous pending action exists, it's unscheduled first. */ public function schedule_expired_files_cleanup(): void { $this->unschedule_expired_files_cleanup(); as_schedule_single_action( time() + 1, self::CLEANUP_ACTION_NAME, array(), self::CLEANUP_ACTION_GROUP ); } /** * Remove the scheduled action that does the expired files cleanup, if it's scheduled. */ public function unschedule_expired_files_cleanup(): void { if ( $this->expired_files_cleanup_is_scheduled() ) { as_unschedule_action( self::CLEANUP_ACTION_NAME, array(), self::CLEANUP_ACTION_GROUP ); } } /** * Run the expired files cleanup action and schedule a new one. * * If files are actually deleted then we assume that more files are pending deletion and schedule the next * action to run immediately. Otherwise (nothing was deleted) we schedule the next action for one day later * (but this can be changed via the 'woocommerce_delete_expired_transient_files_interval' filter). * * If the actual deletion process fails the next action is scheduled anyway for one day later * or for the interval given by the filter. * * NOTE: If the default interval is changed to something different from DAY_IN_SECONDS, please adjust the * "every 24h" text in add_debug_tools_entries too. * * @internal For exclusive usage of WooCommerce core, backwards compatibility not guaranteed. */ public function handle_expired_files_cleanup_action(): void { $new_interval = null; try { $result = $this->delete_expired_files(); if ( $result['deleted_count'] > 0 ) { $new_interval = 1; } } finally { if ( is_null( $new_interval ) ) { /** * Filter to alter the interval between the actions that delete expired transient files. * * @param int $interval The default time before the next action run, in seconds. * @return int The time to actually wait before the next action run, in seconds. * * @since 8.5.0 */ $new_interval = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_delete_expired_transient_files_interval', DAY_IN_SECONDS ); } $next_time = $this->legacy_proxy->call_function( 'time' ) + $new_interval; $this->legacy_proxy->call_function( 'as_schedule_single_action', $next_time, self::CLEANUP_ACTION_NAME, array(), self::CLEANUP_ACTION_GROUP ); } } /** * Add the tools to (re)schedule and un-schedule the expired files cleanup actions in the WooCommerce debug tools page. * * @param array $tools_array Original debug tools array. * @return array Updated debug tools array * * @internal For exclusive usage of WooCommerce core, backwards compatibility not guaranteed. */ public function add_debug_tools_entries( array $tools_array ): array { $cleanup_is_scheduled = $this->expired_files_cleanup_is_scheduled(); $tools_array['schedule_expired_transient_files_cleanup'] = array( 'name' => $cleanup_is_scheduled ? __( 'Re-schedule expired transient files cleanup', 'woocommerce' ) : __( 'Schedule expired transient files cleanup', 'woocommerce' ), 'desc' => $cleanup_is_scheduled ? __( 'Remove the currently scheduled action to delete expired transient files, then schedule it again for running immediately. Subsequent actions will run once every 24h.', 'woocommerce' ) : __( 'Schedule the action to delete expired transient files for running immediately. Subsequent actions will run once every 24h.', 'woocommerce' ), 'button' => $cleanup_is_scheduled ? __( 'Re-schedule', 'woocommerce' ) : __( 'Schedule', 'woocommerce' ), 'requires_refresh' => true, 'callback' => array( $this, 'schedule_expired_files_cleanup' ), ); if ( $cleanup_is_scheduled ) { $tools_array['unschedule_expired_transient_files_cleanup'] = array( 'name' => __( 'Un-schedule expired transient files cleanup', 'woocommerce' ), 'desc' => __( "Remove the currently scheduled action to delete expired transient files. Expired files won't be automatically deleted until the 'Schedule expired transient files cleanup' tool is run again.", 'woocommerce' ), 'button' => __( 'Un-schedule', 'woocommerce' ), 'requires_refresh' => true, 'callback' => array( $this, 'unschedule_expired_files_cleanup' ), ); } return $tools_array; } /** * Delete a directory if it isn't empty. * * @param string $directory Full directory path. */ private function delete_directory_if_not_empty( string $directory ) { if ( ! ( new \FilesystemIterator( $directory ) )->valid() ) { rmdir( $directory ); } } /** * Handle the "init" action, add rewrite rules for the "wc/file" endpoint. * * @internal For exclusive usage of WooCommerce core, backwards compatibility not guaranteed. */ public static function add_endpoint() { add_rewrite_rule( '^wc/file/transient/?$', 'index.php?wc-transient-file-name=', 'top' ); add_rewrite_rule( '^wc/file/transient/(.+)$', 'index.php?wc-transient-file-name=$matches[1]', 'top' ); add_rewrite_endpoint( 'wc/file/transient', EP_ALL ); } /** * Handle the "query_vars" action, add the "wc-transient-file-name" variable for the "wc/file/transient" endpoint. * * @param array $vars The original query variables. * @return array The updated query variables. * * @internal For exclusive usage of WooCommerce core, backwards compatibility not guaranteed. */ public function handle_query_vars( $vars ) { $vars[] = 'wc-transient-file-name'; return $vars; } // phpcs:disable Squiz.Commenting.FunctionCommentThrowTag.Missing, WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions /** * Handle the "parse_request" action for the "wc/file/transient" endpoint. * * If the request is not for "/wc/file/transient/<filename>" or "index.php?wc-transient-file-name=filename", * it returns without doing anything. Otherwise, it will serve the contents of the file with the provided name * if it exists, is public and has not expired; or will return a "Not found" status otherwise. * * The file will be served with a content type header of "text/html". * * @internal For exclusive usage of WooCommerce core, backwards compatibility not guaranteed. */ public function handle_parse_request() { global $wp; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security $query_arg = wp_unslash( $_GET['wc-transient-file-name'] ?? null ); if ( ! is_null( $query_arg ) ) { $wp->query_vars['wc-transient-file-name'] = $query_arg; } if ( is_null( $wp->query_vars['wc-transient-file-name'] ?? null ) ) { return; } // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput if ( 'GET' !== ( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ?? null ) ) { status_header( 405 ); exit(); } $this->serve_file_contents( $wp->query_vars['wc-transient-file-name'] ); } /** * Core method to serve the contents of a transient file. * * @param string $file_name Transient file id or filename. */ private function serve_file_contents( string $file_name ) { $legacy_proxy = wc_get_container()->get( LegacyProxy::class ); try { $file_path = $this->get_transient_file_path( $file_name ); if ( is_null( $file_path ) ) { $legacy_proxy->call_function( 'status_header', 404 ); $legacy_proxy->exit(); } if ( $this->file_has_expired( $file_path ) ) { $legacy_proxy->call_function( 'status_header', 404 ); $legacy_proxy->exit(); } $file_length = filesize( $file_path ); if ( false === $file_length ) { throw new Exception( "Can't retrieve file size: $file_path" ); } $file_handle = fopen( $file_path, 'r' ); } catch ( Exception $ex ) { $error_message = "Error serving transient file $file_name: {$ex->getMessage()}"; wc_get_logger()->error( $error_message ); $legacy_proxy->call_function( 'status_header', 500 ); $legacy_proxy->exit(); } $legacy_proxy->call_function( 'status_header', 200 ); $legacy_proxy->call_function( 'header', 'Content-Type: text/html' ); $legacy_proxy->call_function( 'header', "Content-Length: $file_length" ); try { while ( ! feof( $file_handle ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped echo fread( $file_handle, 1024 ); } /** * Action that fires after a transient file has been successfully served, right before terminating the request. * * @param array $transient_file_info Information about the served file, as returned by get_file_by_name. * @param bool $is_json_rest_api_request True if the request came from the JSON API endpoint, false if it came from the authenticated endpoint. * * @since 8.5.0 */ do_action( 'woocommerce_transient_file_contents_served', $file_name ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { wc_get_logger()->error( "Error serving transient file $file_name: {$e->getMessage()}" ); // We can't change the response status code at this point. } finally { fclose( $file_handle ); $legacy_proxy->exit(); } } }