Delete expired transient files from the filesystem.
Метод класса: TransientFilesEngine{}
Хуков нет.
. "deleted_count" with the number of files actually deleted, "files_remain" that will be true if there are still files left to delete.
$TransientFilesEngine = new TransientFilesEngine(); $TransientFilesEngine->delete_expired_files( $limit ): array;
- $limit(int)
- Maximum number of files to delete.
По умолчанию: 1000
Код TransientFilesEngine::delete_expired_files() TransientFilesEngine::delete expired files WC 9.6.2
public function delete_expired_files( int $limit = 1000 ): array { $expiration_date_gmt = $this->legacy_proxy->call_function( 'gmdate', 'Y-m-d' ); $base_dir = $this->get_transient_files_directory(); $subdirs = glob( $base_dir . '/[2-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[01][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]', GLOB_ONLYDIR ); if ( false === $subdirs ) { throw new Exception( "Error when getting the list of subdirectories of $base_dir" ); } $subdirs = array_map( fn( $name ) => substr( $name, strlen( $name ) - 10, 10 ), $subdirs ); $expired_subdirs = array_filter( $subdirs, fn( $name ) => $name < $expiration_date_gmt ); asort( $subdirs ); // We want to delete files starting with the oldest expiration month. $remaining_limit = $limit; $limit_reached = false; foreach ( $expired_subdirs as $subdir ) { $full_dir_path = $base_dir . '/' . $subdir; $files_to_delete = glob( $full_dir_path . '/*' ); if ( count( $files_to_delete ) > $remaining_limit ) { $limit_reached = true; $files_to_delete = array_slice( $files_to_delete, 0, $remaining_limit ); } array_map( 'wp_delete_file', $files_to_delete ); $remaining_limit -= count( $files_to_delete ); $this->delete_directory_if_not_empty( $full_dir_path ); if ( $limit_reached ) { break; } } return array( 'deleted_count' => $limit - $remaining_limit, 'files_remain' => $limit_reached, ); }