WP_Roles{}WP 2.0.0AllowDynamicProperties

Класс позволяет управлять ролями и возможностями ролей в WordPress.

Опции роли просты, структура организована по названию роли, которое является ключом основного массива. Возможности роли находятся во вложенном массиве из двух параметров: name и capabilities:

array (
	'rolename' => array (
		'name' => 'rolename',
		'capabilities' => array()

Работает в связке с WP_Role, которая создает объекты для свойства $this->role_objects.

Роли и возможности не генерируются постоянно, а записываются в опцию: wp_user_roles

Чтобы получить глобальный экземпляр этого класса, всегда используйте вспомогательную функцию wp_roles().

Основа для: remove_role(), add_role(), get_role()
Хуки из класса


global $wp_roles;
$wp_roles = new WP_Roles();

// или просто
$wp_roles = wp_roles();

Свойства класса


Список ролей и возможностей. Аналогичен свойству $role_objects и содержит след. структуру:

array (
   'rolename' => array (
   'name' => 'rolename',
   'capabilities' => array()

Список объектов ролей. Содержит следующую структуру:

array (
   'rolename' => array (
	   'name' => 'rolename',
	   'capabilities' => array()

Список только названий ролей:

[role_names] => Array (
	[administrator] => Администратор
	[editor] => Редактор
	[author] => Автор
	[contributor] => Участник
	[subscriber] => Подписчик
Название опции, в которой будет находится список ролей, пр: 'wp_user_roles'.
Использовать ли базу данных для получения и размещения ролей.


Конструктор. Вызывает _init().
Возвращает: ничего
__call( $name, $arguments ) (public)
Для обратной совместимости, чтобы работали несуществующие методы.
Возвращает: false/разное

Устанавливает свойства объекта. Использует глобальные: $wpdb, $wp_user_roles.

Если глобальная $wp_user_roles не установлена, то в качестве ключа будет использована конструкция "{$wpdb->prefix}user_roles".
Возвращает: ничего

reinit() (public)
Пере-инициализирует объект. Обычно вызывается функцией switch_to_blog() после того, как переключает wpdb на другой блог в MU системе.
Возвращает: ничего
add_role( $role, $display_name, $capabilities = array() ) (public)
Добавляет роль с возможностями в список. Обновляет список ролей, если роль еще не существует.
Возможности определяются в следующем формате: array( 'read' => true );
Чтобы запретить указанную возможность, значение нужно установить в false: array( 'read' => false );
Для этого метода есть функция-обертка: add_role().
Возвращает: WP_Role|ничего. WP_Role, если роль была добавлена.
remove_role( $role ) (public)
Удаляет роль по названию. Для этого метода есть функция-обертка: remove_role().
Возвращает: ничего
add_cap( $role, $cap, $grant = true ) (public)
Добавляет возможность $cap к указанной в $role роли. Логическое $grant определяет разрешить или запретить указанную возможность. Подробное описание: add_cap()
Возвращает: ничего
remove_cap( $role, $cap ) (public)
Удаляет возможность $cap у указанной в $role роли.
Возвращает: ничего
get_role( $role ) (public)
Получает объект указанной роли.
Возвращает: Объект WP_Role, если роль найдена или null, если роли нет.
Получает список названий всех ролей в виде массива.
Возвращает: массив названий
is_role( $role ) (public)
Проверяет существует ли указанная роль в списке текущих ролей.
Возвращает: true|false



#1 Что содержит массив ролей

print_r( wp_roles() );
WP_Roles Object
	[roles] => Array
			[administrator] => Array
					[name] => Administrator
					[capabilities] => Array
							[switch_themes] => 1
							[edit_themes] => 1
							[activate_plugins] => 1
							[edit_plugins] => 1
							[edit_users] => 1
							[edit_files] => 1
							[manage_options] => 1
							[moderate_comments] => 1
							[manage_categories] => 1
							[manage_links] => 1
							[upload_files] => 1
							[import] => 1
							[unfiltered_html] => 1
							[edit_posts] => 1
							[edit_others_posts] => 1
							[edit_published_posts] => 1
							[publish_posts] => 1
							[edit_pages] => 1
							[read] => 1
							[level_10] => 1
							[level_9] => 1
							[level_8] => 1
							[level_7] => 1
							[level_6] => 1
							[level_5] => 1
							[level_4] => 1
							[level_3] => 1
							[level_2] => 1
							[level_1] => 1
							[level_0] => 1
							[edit_others_pages] => 1
							[edit_published_pages] => 1
							[publish_pages] => 1
							[delete_pages] => 1
							[delete_others_pages] => 1
							[delete_published_pages] => 1
							[delete_posts] => 1
							[delete_others_posts] => 1
							[delete_published_posts] => 1
							[delete_private_posts] => 1
							[edit_private_posts] => 1
							[read_private_posts] => 1
							[delete_private_pages] => 1
							[edit_private_pages] => 1
							[read_private_pages] => 1
							[delete_users] => 1
							[create_users] => 1
							[unfiltered_upload] => 1
							[edit_dashboard] => 1
							[update_plugins] => 1
							[delete_plugins] => 1
							[install_plugins] => 1
							[update_themes] => 1
							[install_themes] => 1
							[manage_downloads] => 1
							[manage_database] => 1
							[democracy_admin] => 1
							[update_core] => 1
							[list_users] => 1
							[remove_users] => 1
							[add_users] => 1
							[promote_users] => 1
							[edit_theme_options] => 1
							[delete_themes] => 1
							[export] => 1


			[editor] => Array
					[name] => Editor
					[capabilities] => Array
							[moderate_comments] => 1
							[manage_categories] => 1
							[manage_links] => 1
							[upload_files] => 1
							[unfiltered_html] => 1
							[edit_posts] => 1
							[edit_others_posts] => 1
							[edit_published_posts] => 1
							[publish_posts] => 1
							[edit_pages] => 1
							[read] => 1
							[level_7] => 1
							[level_6] => 1
							[level_5] => 1
							[level_4] => 1
							[level_3] => 1
							[level_2] => 1
							[level_1] => 1
							[level_0] => 1
							[edit_others_pages] => 1
							[edit_published_pages] => 1
							[publish_pages] => 1
							[delete_pages] => 1
							[delete_others_pages] => 1
							[delete_published_pages] => 1
							[delete_posts] => 1
							[delete_others_posts] => 1
							[delete_published_posts] => 1
							[delete_private_posts] => 1
							[edit_private_posts] => 1
							[read_private_posts] => 1
							[delete_private_pages] => 1
							[edit_private_pages] => 1
							[read_private_pages] => 1
							[democracy_admin] => 1


			[author] => Array
					[name] => Author
					[capabilities] => Array
							[upload_files] => 1
							[edit_posts] => 1
							[edit_published_posts] => 1
							[publish_posts] => 1
							[read] => 1
							[level_2] => 1
							[level_1] => 1
							[level_0] => 1
							[delete_posts] => 1
							[delete_published_posts] => 1


			[contributor] => Array
					[name] => Contributor
					[capabilities] => Array
							[edit_posts] => 1
							[read] => 1
							[level_1] => 1
							[level_0] => 1
							[delete_posts] => 1


			[subscriber] => Array
					[name] => Subscriber
					[capabilities] => Array
							[read] => 1
							[level_0] => 1



	[role_objects] => Array
			[administrator] => WP_Role Object
					[name] => administrator
					[capabilities] => Array
							[switch_themes] => 1
							[edit_themes] => 1
							[activate_plugins] => 1
							[edit_plugins] => 1
							[edit_users] => 1
							[edit_files] => 1
							[manage_options] => 1
							[moderate_comments] => 1
							[manage_categories] => 1
							[manage_links] => 1
							[upload_files] => 1
							[import] => 1
							[unfiltered_html] => 1
							[edit_posts] => 1
							[edit_others_posts] => 1
							[edit_published_posts] => 1
							[publish_posts] => 1
							[edit_pages] => 1
							[read] => 1
							[level_10] => 1
							[level_9] => 1
							[level_8] => 1
							[level_7] => 1
							[level_6] => 1
							[level_5] => 1
							[level_4] => 1
							[level_3] => 1
							[level_2] => 1
							[level_1] => 1
							[level_0] => 1
							[edit_others_pages] => 1
							[edit_published_pages] => 1
							[publish_pages] => 1
							[delete_pages] => 1
							[delete_others_pages] => 1
							[delete_published_pages] => 1
							[delete_posts] => 1
							[delete_others_posts] => 1
							[delete_published_posts] => 1
							[delete_private_posts] => 1
							[edit_private_posts] => 1
							[read_private_posts] => 1
							[delete_private_pages] => 1
							[edit_private_pages] => 1
							[read_private_pages] => 1
							[delete_users] => 1
							[create_users] => 1
							[unfiltered_upload] => 1
							[edit_dashboard] => 1
							[update_plugins] => 1
							[delete_plugins] => 1
							[install_plugins] => 1
							[update_themes] => 1
							[install_themes] => 1
							[manage_downloads] => 1
							[manage_database] => 1
							[democracy_admin] => 1
							[update_core] => 1
							[list_users] => 1
							[remove_users] => 1
							[add_users] => 1
							[promote_users] => 1
							[edit_theme_options] => 1
							[delete_themes] => 1
							[export] => 1


			[editor] => WP_Role Object
					[name] => editor
					[capabilities] => Array
							[moderate_comments] => 1
							[manage_categories] => 1
							[manage_links] => 1
							[upload_files] => 1
							[unfiltered_html] => 1
							[edit_posts] => 1
							[edit_others_posts] => 1
							[edit_published_posts] => 1
							[publish_posts] => 1
							[edit_pages] => 1
							[read] => 1
							[level_7] => 1
							[level_6] => 1
							[level_5] => 1
							[level_4] => 1
							[level_3] => 1
							[level_2] => 1
							[level_1] => 1
							[level_0] => 1
							[edit_others_pages] => 1
							[edit_published_pages] => 1
							[publish_pages] => 1
							[delete_pages] => 1
							[delete_others_pages] => 1
							[delete_published_pages] => 1
							[delete_posts] => 1
							[delete_others_posts] => 1
							[delete_published_posts] => 1
							[delete_private_posts] => 1
							[edit_private_posts] => 1
							[read_private_posts] => 1
							[delete_private_pages] => 1
							[edit_private_pages] => 1
							[read_private_pages] => 1
							[democracy_admin] => 1


			[author] => WP_Role Object
					[name] => author
					[capabilities] => Array
							[upload_files] => 1
							[edit_posts] => 1
							[edit_published_posts] => 1
							[publish_posts] => 1
							[read] => 1
							[level_2] => 1
							[level_1] => 1
							[level_0] => 1
							[delete_posts] => 1
							[delete_published_posts] => 1


			[contributor] => WP_Role Object
					[name] => contributor
					[capabilities] => Array
							[edit_posts] => 1
							[read] => 1
							[level_1] => 1
							[level_0] => 1
							[delete_posts] => 1


			[subscriber] => WP_Role Object
					[name] => subscriber
					[capabilities] => Array
							[read] => 1
							[level_0] => 1



	[role_names] => Array
			[administrator] => Administrator
			[editor] => Editor
			[author] => Author
			[contributor] => Contributor
			[subscriber] => Subscriber

	[role_key] => wp_user_roles
	[use_db] => 1

#2 Создадим новую роль: "Основной участник":

$result = add_role(
	'basic_contributor', 'Основной участник',
		'read'         => true,  // true разрешает эту возможность
		'edit_posts'   => true,  // true разрешает редактировать посты
		'delete_posts' => false, // false запрещает удалять посты
if ( null !== $result ) {
	echo 'Ура! Новая роль создана!';
else {
	echo 'Ой... Такая роль уже существует.';

#3 Удалим роль "подписчик" (subscriber):

register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, function(){
	remove_role( 'subscriber' );
} );

Список изменений

С версии 2.0.0 Введена.

Код WP_Roles{} WP 6.7.1

class WP_Roles {
	 * List of roles and capabilities.
	 * @since 2.0.0
	 * @var array[]
	public $roles;

	 * List of the role objects.
	 * @since 2.0.0
	 * @var WP_Role[]
	public $role_objects = array();

	 * List of role names.
	 * @since 2.0.0
	 * @var string[]
	public $role_names = array();

	 * Option name for storing role list.
	 * @since 2.0.0
	 * @var string
	public $role_key;

	 * Whether to use the database for retrieval and storage.
	 * @since 2.1.0
	 * @var bool
	public $use_db = true;

	 * The site ID the roles are initialized for.
	 * @since 4.9.0
	 * @var int
	protected $site_id = 0;

	 * Constructor.
	 * @since 2.0.0
	 * @since 4.9.0 The `$site_id` argument was added.
	 * @global array $wp_user_roles Used to set the 'roles' property value.
	 * @param int $site_id Site ID to initialize roles for. Default is the current site.
	public function __construct( $site_id = null ) {
		global $wp_user_roles;

		$this->use_db = empty( $wp_user_roles );

		$this->for_site( $site_id );

	 * Makes private/protected methods readable for backward compatibility.
	 * @since 4.0.0
	 * @param string $name      Method to call.
	 * @param array  $arguments Arguments to pass when calling.
	 * @return mixed|false Return value of the callback, false otherwise.
	public function __call( $name, $arguments ) {
		if ( '_init' === $name ) {
			return $this->_init( ...$arguments );
		return false;

	 * Sets up the object properties.
	 * The role key is set to the current prefix for the $wpdb object with
	 * 'user_roles' appended. If the $wp_user_roles global is set, then it will
	 * be used and the role option will not be updated or used.
	 * @since 2.1.0
	 * @deprecated 4.9.0 Use WP_Roles::for_site()
	protected function _init() {
		_deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '4.9.0', 'WP_Roles::for_site()' );


	 * Reinitializes the object.
	 * Recreates the role objects. This is typically called only by switch_to_blog()
	 * after switching wpdb to a new site ID.
	 * @since 3.5.0
	 * @deprecated 4.7.0 Use WP_Roles::for_site()
	public function reinit() {
		_deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '4.7.0', 'WP_Roles::for_site()' );


	 * Adds a role name with capabilities to the list.
	 * Updates the list of roles, if the role doesn't already exist.
	 * The capabilities are defined in the following format: `array( 'read' => true )`.
	 * To explicitly deny the role a capability, set the value for that capability to false.
	 * @since 2.0.0
	 * @param string $role         Role name.
	 * @param string $display_name Role display name.
	 * @param bool[] $capabilities Optional. List of capabilities keyed by the capability name,
	 *                             e.g. `array( 'edit_posts' => true, 'delete_posts' => false )`.
	 *                             Default empty array.
	 * @return WP_Role|void WP_Role object, if the role is added.
	public function add_role( $role, $display_name, $capabilities = array() ) {
		if ( empty( $role ) || isset( $this->roles[ $role ] ) ) {

		$this->roles[ $role ] = array(
			'name'         => $display_name,
			'capabilities' => $capabilities,
		if ( $this->use_db ) {
			update_option( $this->role_key, $this->roles, true );
		$this->role_objects[ $role ] = new WP_Role( $role, $capabilities );
		$this->role_names[ $role ]   = $display_name;
		return $this->role_objects[ $role ];

	 * Removes a role by name.
	 * @since 2.0.0
	 * @param string $role Role name.
	public function remove_role( $role ) {
		if ( ! isset( $this->role_objects[ $role ] ) ) {

		unset( $this->role_objects[ $role ] );
		unset( $this->role_names[ $role ] );
		unset( $this->roles[ $role ] );

		if ( $this->use_db ) {
			update_option( $this->role_key, $this->roles );

		if ( get_option( 'default_role' ) === $role ) {
			update_option( 'default_role', 'subscriber' );

	 * Adds a capability to role.
	 * @since 2.0.0
	 * @param string $role  Role name.
	 * @param string $cap   Capability name.
	 * @param bool   $grant Optional. Whether role is capable of performing capability.
	 *                      Default true.
	public function add_cap( $role, $cap, $grant = true ) {
		if ( ! isset( $this->roles[ $role ] ) ) {

		$this->roles[ $role ]['capabilities'][ $cap ] = $grant;
		if ( $this->use_db ) {
			update_option( $this->role_key, $this->roles );

	 * Removes a capability from role.
	 * @since 2.0.0
	 * @param string $role Role name.
	 * @param string $cap  Capability name.
	public function remove_cap( $role, $cap ) {
		if ( ! isset( $this->roles[ $role ] ) ) {

		unset( $this->roles[ $role ]['capabilities'][ $cap ] );
		if ( $this->use_db ) {
			update_option( $this->role_key, $this->roles );

	 * Retrieves a role object by name.
	 * @since 2.0.0
	 * @param string $role Role name.
	 * @return WP_Role|null WP_Role object if found, null if the role does not exist.
	public function get_role( $role ) {
		if ( isset( $this->role_objects[ $role ] ) ) {
			return $this->role_objects[ $role ];
		} else {
			return null;

	 * Retrieves a list of role names.
	 * @since 2.0.0
	 * @return string[] List of role names.
	public function get_names() {
		return $this->role_names;

	 * Determines whether a role name is currently in the list of available roles.
	 * @since 2.0.0
	 * @param string $role Role name to look up.
	 * @return bool
	public function is_role( $role ) {
		return isset( $this->role_names[ $role ] );

	 * Initializes all of the available roles.
	 * @since 4.9.0
	public function init_roles() {
		if ( empty( $this->roles ) ) {

		$this->role_objects = array();
		$this->role_names   = array();
		foreach ( array_keys( $this->roles ) as $role ) {
			$this->role_objects[ $role ] = new WP_Role( $role, $this->roles[ $role ]['capabilities'] );
			$this->role_names[ $role ]   = $this->roles[ $role ]['name'];

		 * Fires after the roles have been initialized, allowing plugins to add their own roles.
		 * @since 4.7.0
		 * @param WP_Roles $wp_roles A reference to the WP_Roles object.
		do_action( 'wp_roles_init', $this );

	 * Sets the site to operate on. Defaults to the current site.
	 * @since 4.9.0
	 * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object.
	 * @param int $site_id Site ID to initialize roles for. Default is the current site.
	public function for_site( $site_id = null ) {
		global $wpdb;

		if ( ! empty( $site_id ) ) {
			$this->site_id = absint( $site_id );
		} else {
			$this->site_id = get_current_blog_id();

		$this->role_key = $wpdb->get_blog_prefix( $this->site_id ) . 'user_roles';

		if ( ! empty( $this->roles ) && ! $this->use_db ) {

		$this->roles = $this->get_roles_data();


	 * Gets the ID of the site for which roles are currently initialized.
	 * @since 4.9.0
	 * @return int Site ID.
	public function get_site_id() {
		return $this->site_id;

	 * Gets the available roles data.
	 * @since 4.9.0
	 * @global array $wp_user_roles Used to set the 'roles' property value.
	 * @return array Roles array.
	protected function get_roles_data() {
		global $wp_user_roles;

		if ( ! empty( $wp_user_roles ) ) {
			return $wp_user_roles;

		if ( is_multisite() && get_current_blog_id() !== $this->site_id ) {
			remove_action( 'switch_blog', 'wp_switch_roles_and_user', 1 );

			$roles = get_blog_option( $this->site_id, $this->role_key, array() );

			add_action( 'switch_blog', 'wp_switch_roles_and_user', 1, 2 );

			return $roles;

		return get_option( $this->role_key, array() );
5 комментариев