
Abstract_Aioseo_Settings_Importing_Action{}Yoast 1.0

Abstract class for importing AIOSEO settings.


$Abstract_Aioseo_Settings_Importing_Action = new Abstract_Aioseo_Settings_Importing_Action();
// use class methods


  1. public build_mapping()
  2. public get_limit()
  3. public get_limited_unindexed_count( $limit )
  4. public get_source_option_name()
  5. public get_total_unindexed()
  6. protected get_unimported_chunk( $importable_data, $limit )
  7. protected get_unindexed_count( $limit = null )
  8. public import_noindex( $noindex, $mapping )
  9. protected import_single_setting( $setting, $setting_value, $setting_mapping )
  10. public index()
  11. public isset_settings_tab( $aioseo_settings )
  12. protected map( $setting_value, $setting )
  13. public pluck_robot_setting_from_mapping()
  14. protected query( $limit = null )
  15. public set_import_helper( Import_Helper $import_helper )
  16. public simple_boolean_import( $meta_data )

Код Abstract_Aioseo_Settings_Importing_Action{} Yoast 24.0

abstract class Abstract_Aioseo_Settings_Importing_Action extends Abstract_Aioseo_Importing_Action {

	 * The plugin the class deals with.
	 * @var string
	public const PLUGIN = null;

	 * The type the class deals with.
	 * @var string
	public const TYPE = null;

	 * The option_name of the AIOSEO option that contains the settings.
	public const SOURCE_OPTION_NAME = null;

	 * The map of aioseo_options to yoast settings.
	 * @var array
	protected $aioseo_options_to_yoast_map = [];

	 * The tab of the aioseo settings we're working with, eg. taxonomies, posttypes.
	 * @var string
	protected $settings_tab = '';

	 * Additional mapping between AiOSEO replace vars and Yoast replace vars.
	 * @var array
	 * @see https://yoast.com/help/list-available-snippet-variables-yoast-seo/
	protected $replace_vars_edited_map = [];

	 * The import helper.
	 * @var Import_Helper
	protected $import_helper;

	 * Builds the mapping that ties AOISEO option keys with Yoast ones and their data transformation method.
	 * @return void
	abstract protected function build_mapping();

	 * Sets the import helper.
	 * @required
	 * @param Import_Helper $import_helper The import helper.
	 * @return void
	public function set_import_helper( Import_Helper $import_helper ) {
		$this->import_helper = $import_helper;

	 * Retrieves the source option_name.
	 * @return string The source option_name.
	 * @throws Exception If the SOURCE_OPTION_NAME constant is not set in the child class.
	public function get_source_option_name() {
		$source_option_name = static::SOURCE_OPTION_NAME;

		if ( empty( $source_option_name ) ) {
			throw new Exception( 'Importing settings action without explicit source option_name' );

		return $source_option_name;

	 * Returns the total number of unimported objects.
	 * @return int The total number of unimported objects.
	public function get_total_unindexed() {
		return $this->get_unindexed_count();

	 * Returns the limited number of unimported objects.
	 * @param int $limit The maximum number of unimported objects to be returned.
	 * @return int The limited number of unindexed posts.
	public function get_limited_unindexed_count( $limit ) {
		return $this->get_unindexed_count( $limit );

	 * Returns the number of unimported objects (limited if limit is applied).
	 * @param int|null $limit The maximum number of unimported objects to be returned.
	 * @return int The number of unindexed posts.
	protected function get_unindexed_count( $limit = null ) {
		if ( ! \is_int( $limit ) || $limit < 1 ) {
			$limit = null;

		$settings_to_create = $this->query( $limit );

		$number_of_settings_to_create = \count( $settings_to_create );
		$completed                    = $number_of_settings_to_create === 0;
		$this->set_completed( $completed );

		return $number_of_settings_to_create;

	 * Imports AIOSEO settings.
	 * @return array|false An array of the AIOSEO settings that were imported or false if aioseo data was not found.
	public function index() {
		$limit            = $this->get_limit();
		$aioseo_settings  = $this->query( $limit );
		$created_settings = [];

		$completed = \count( $aioseo_settings ) === 0;
		$this->set_completed( $completed );

		// Prepare the setting keys mapping.

		// Prepare the replacement var mapping.
		foreach ( $this->replace_vars_edited_map as $aioseo_var => $yoast_var ) {
			$this->replacevar_handler->compose_map( $aioseo_var, $yoast_var );

		$last_imported_setting = '';
		try {
			foreach ( $aioseo_settings as $setting => $setting_value ) {
				// Map and import the values of the setting we're working with (eg. post, book-category, etc.) to the respective Yoast option.
				$this->map( $setting_value, $setting );

				// Save the type of the settings that were just imported, so that we can allow chunked imports.
				$last_imported_setting = $setting;

				$created_settings[] = $setting;
		finally {
			$cursor_id = $this->get_cursor_id();
			$this->import_cursor->set_cursor( $cursor_id, $last_imported_setting );

		return $created_settings;

	 * Checks if the settings tab subsetting is set in the AIOSEO option.
	 * @param string $aioseo_settings The AIOSEO option.
	 * @return bool Whether the settings are set.
	public function isset_settings_tab( $aioseo_settings ) {
		return isset( $aioseo_settings['searchAppearance'][ $this->settings_tab ] );

	 * Queries the database and retrieves unimported AiOSEO settings (in chunks if a limit is applied).
	 * @param int|null $limit The maximum number of unimported objects to be returned.
	 * @return array The (maybe chunked) unimported AiOSEO settings to import.
	protected function query( $limit = null ) {
		$aioseo_settings = \json_decode( \get_option( $this->get_source_option_name(), '' ), true );

		if ( empty( $aioseo_settings ) ) {
			return [];

		// We specifically want the setttings of the tab we're working with, eg. postTypes, taxonomies, etc.
		$settings_values = $aioseo_settings['searchAppearance'][ $this->settings_tab ];
		if ( ! \is_array( $settings_values ) ) {
			return [];

		$flattened_settings = $this->import_helper->flatten_settings( $settings_values );

		return $this->get_unimported_chunk( $flattened_settings, $limit );

	 * Retrieves (a chunk of, if limit is applied) the unimported AIOSEO settings.
	 * To apply a chunk, we manipulate the cursor to the keys of the AIOSEO settings.
	 * @param array $importable_data All of the available AIOSEO settings.
	 * @param int   $limit           The maximum number of unimported objects to be returned.
	 * @return array The (chunk of, if limit is applied)) unimported AIOSEO settings.
	protected function get_unimported_chunk( $importable_data, $limit ) {
		\ksort( $importable_data );

		$cursor_id = $this->get_cursor_id();
		$cursor    = $this->import_cursor->get_cursor( $cursor_id, '' );

		 * Filter 'wpseo_aioseo_<identifier>_import_cursor' - Allow filtering the value of the aioseo settings import cursor.
		 * @param int $import_cursor The value of the aioseo posttype default settings import cursor.
		$cursor = \apply_filters( 'wpseo_aioseo_' . $this->get_type() . '_import_cursor', $cursor );

		if ( $cursor === '' ) {
			return \array_slice( $importable_data, 0, $limit, true );

		// Let's find the position of the cursor in the alphabetically sorted importable data, so we can return only the unimported data.
		$keys = \array_flip( \array_keys( $importable_data ) );
		// If the stored cursor now no longer exists in the data, we have no choice but to start over.
		$position = ( isset( $keys[ $cursor ] ) ) ? ( $keys[ $cursor ] + 1 ) : 0;

		return \array_slice( $importable_data, $position, $limit, true );

	 * Returns the number of objects that will be imported in a single importing pass.
	 * @return int The limit.
	public function get_limit() {
		 * Filter 'wpseo_aioseo_<identifier>_indexation_limit' - Allow filtering the number of settings imported during each importing pass.
		 * @param int $max_posts The maximum number of posts indexed.
		$limit = \apply_filters( 'wpseo_aioseo_' . $this->get_type() . '_indexation_limit', 25 );

		if ( ! \is_int( $limit ) || $limit < 1 ) {
			$limit = 25;

		return $limit;

	 * Maps/imports AIOSEO settings into the respective Yoast settings.
	 * @param string|array $setting_value The value of the AIOSEO setting at hand.
	 * @param string       $setting       The setting at hand, eg. post or movie-category, separator etc.
	 * @return void
	protected function map( $setting_value, $setting ) {
		$aioseo_options_to_yoast_map = $this->aioseo_options_to_yoast_map;

		if ( isset( $aioseo_options_to_yoast_map[ $setting ] ) ) {
			$this->import_single_setting( $setting, $setting_value, $aioseo_options_to_yoast_map[ $setting ] );

	 * Imports a single setting in the db after transforming it to adhere to Yoast conventions.
	 * @param string $setting         The name of the setting.
	 * @param string $setting_value   The values of the setting.
	 * @param array  $setting_mapping The mapping of the setting to Yoast formats.
	 * @return void
	protected function import_single_setting( $setting, $setting_value, $setting_mapping ) {
		$yoast_key = $setting_mapping['yoast_name'];

		// Check if we're supposed to save the setting.
		if ( $this->options->get_default( 'wpseo_titles', $yoast_key ) !== null ) {
			// Then, do any needed data transfomation before actually saving the incoming data.
			$transformed_data = \call_user_func( [ $this, $setting_mapping['transform_method'] ], $setting_value, $setting_mapping );

			$this->options->set( $yoast_key, $transformed_data );

	 * Minimally transforms boolean data to be imported.
	 * @param bool $meta_data The boolean meta data to be imported.
	 * @return bool The transformed boolean meta data.
	public function simple_boolean_import( $meta_data ) {
		return $meta_data;

	 * Imports the noindex setting, taking into consideration whether they defer to global defaults.
	 * @param bool  $noindex The noindex of the type, without taking into consideration whether the type defers to global defaults.
	 * @param array $mapping The mapping of the setting we're working with.
	 * @return bool The noindex setting.
	public function import_noindex( $noindex, $mapping ) {
		return $this->robots_transformer->transform_robot_setting( 'noindex', $noindex, $mapping );

	 * Returns a setting map of the robot setting for one subset of post types/taxonomies/archives.
	 * For custom archives, it returns an empty array because AIOSEO excludes some custom archives from this option structure, eg. WooCommerce's products and we don't want to raise a false alarm.
	 * @return array The setting map of the robot setting for one subset of post types/taxonomies/archives or an empty array.
	public function pluck_robot_setting_from_mapping() {
		return [];