WP_Locale{} │ WP 2.1.0 │ AllowDynamicProperties
Класс, где хранятся переведенные данные для локали, такие как: дни недели, месяцы, формат отображения времени.
Об этом классе можно думать, как о массиве (коллекции) с базовыми переводами локали.
Кроме прочего, класс регистрирует глобальные переменные:
C версии 4.6.0 из файла wp-includes/locale.php перенесен с собственный файл wp-includes/class-wp-locale.php .
Хуков нет.
Ничего (null).
$WP_Locale = new WP_Locale();
// вызов методов или обращение к свойствам класса
$weekday(массив) (public)
Хранит переведенные полные имена дней недели
// Ru
Array (
[0] => Воскресенье
[1] => Понедельник
[2] => Вторник
[3] => Среда
[4] => Четверг
[5] => Пятница
[6] => Суббота
// En
Array (
[0] => Sunday
[1] => Monday
[2] => Tuesday
[3] => Wednesday
[4] => Thursday
[5] => Friday
[6] => Saturday
$weekday_initial(массив) (public)
Хранит переведенные строки для односимвольных имен дней недели.
// Ru
Array (
[Воскресенье] => Вс
[Понедельник] => Пн
[Вторник] => Вт
[Среда] => Ср
[Четверг] => Чт
[Пятница] => Пт
[Суббота] => Сб
// En
Array (
[Sunday] => S
[Monday] => M
[Tuesday] => T
[Wednesday] => W
[Thursday] => T
[Friday] => F
[Saturday] => S
$weekday_abbrev(массив) (public)
Хранит переведенные строки для сокращенных названий дней недели.
// Ru
Array (
[Воскресенье] => Вс
[Понедельник] => Пн
[Вторник] => Вт
[Среда] => Ср
[Четверг] => Чт
[Пятница] => Пт
[Суббота] => Сб
// En
Array (
[Sunday] => Sun
[Monday] => Mon
[Tuesday] => Tue
[Wednesday] => Wed
[Thursday] => Thu
[Friday] => Fri
[Saturday] => Sat
$month(массив) (public)
Хранит переведенные строки для полных имен месяцев.
// Ru
Array (
[01] => Январь
[02] => Февраль
[03] => Март
[04] => Апрель
[05] => Май
[06] => Июнь
[07] => Июль
[08] => Август
[09] => Сентябрь
[10] => Октябрь
[11] => Ноябрь
[12] => Декабрь
// En
Array (
[01] => January
[02] => February
[03] => March
[04] => April
[05] => May
[06] => June
[07] => July
[08] => August
[09] => September
[10] => October
[11] => November
[12] => December
$month_genitive(массив) (public)
Хранит переведенные строки для имен месяцев в родительном падеже, если указан языковой стандарт.
// Ru
Array (
[01] => января
[02] => февраля
[03] => марта
[04] => апреля
[05] => мая
[06] => июня
[07] => июля
[08] => августа
[09] => сентября
[10] => октября
[11] => ноября
[12] => декабря
// En
Array (
[01] => January
[02] => February
[03] => March
[04] => April
[05] => May
[06] => June
[07] => July
[08] => August
[09] => September
[10] => October
[11] => November
[12] => December
$month_abbrev(массив) (public)
Хранит переведенные строки для сокращенных названий месяцев.
// Ru
Array (
[Январь] => Янв
[Февраль] => Фев
[Март] => Мар
[Апрель] => Апр
[Май] => Май
[Июнь] => Июн
[Июль] => Июл
[Август] => Авг
[Сентябрь] => Сен
[Октябрь] => Окт
[Ноябрь] => Ноя
[Декабрь] => Дек
// En
Array (
[January] => Jan
[February] => Feb
[March] => Mar
[April] => Apr
[May] => May
[June] => Jun
[July] => Jul
[August] => Aug
[September] => Sep
[October] => Oct
[November] => Nov
[December] => Dec
$meridiem(массив) (public)
Хранит переведенные строки для «am» и «pm».
// Ru
Array (
[am] => дп
[pm] => пп
[AM] => ДП
[PM] => ПП
// En
Array (
[am] => am
[pm] => pm
[AM] => AM
[PM] => PM
$text_direction(строка) (public)
Направление текста языка локали. По умолчанию ltr
(слева направо). Может быть rtl
(справа налево).
$number_format(массив) (public)
Разделитель тысяч и десятичные точки, используемые для локализации чисел.
// Ru
Array (
[thousands_sep] => (пробел)
[decimal_point] => ,
// En
Array (
[thousands_sep] => ,
[decimal_point] => .
__construct() (public)
Конструктор. Вызывает методы init()
и register_globals()
, устанавливающие свойства объекта и глобальные переменные.
init() (public)
Переводит строки и заполняет ими свойства объекта.
register_globals() (public)
Создаёт и заполняет глобальные переменные weekday
, weekday_initial
, weekday_abbrev
, month
, month_abbrev
информацией из одноименных свойств объекта. Оставлен только для обратной совместимости. Не рекомендуется использовать глобальные переменные.
get_weekday( $weekday_number ) (public)
Обращается к свойству weekday
и по переданному индексу возвращает значение, например 0 даст "воскресенье", 6 даст "суббота".
get_weekday_initial( $weekday_name ) (public)
Обращается к свойству weekday_initial
и по переданному индексу возвращает значение: "Sunday" даст "S", "Воскресенье" даст "Вс".
get_weekday_abbrev( $weekday_name ) (public)
Обращается к свойству weekday_abbrev
и по переданному индексу возвращает значение: "Sunday" даст "Sun".
get_month( $month_number ) (public)
Обращается к свойству month
и по переданному индексу возвращает значение: 01 или 1 даст "Январь".
get_month_abbrev( $month_name ) (public)
Обращается к свойству month_abbrev
и по переданному индексу возвращает значение: "Январь" даст "Янв".
get_meridiem( $meridiem ) (public)
Обращается к свойству meridiem
и по переданному индексу возвращает значение: "am" даст "дп".
is_rtl() (public)
Проверяет, является ли текущая локаль RTL (написание справа налево).
_strings_for_pot() (public)
Регистрирует строки даты/времени для основного POT файла .
rtl_src_admin_notice() (public)
Выводит уведомление для администратора, если каталог /build
должен использоваться для RTL локали. Выводит сообщение "Для работы с RTL необходимо использовать директорию %s репозитория develop."
#1 Выведем форму с выбором месяца
Инициализировать класс не нужно, WP делает это автоматически. Экземпляр класса находится в глобальной переменной $wp_locale .
global $wp_locale;
<form action="">
<label for="month">Месяц</label>
<select name="month" id="month">
<option value="0" disabled selected>Выберите месяц</option>
foreach ( $wp_locale->month as $index => $month ) {
printf( '<option value="%s">%s</option>', $index, $month );
Для справки. Класс инициализируется следующим кодом:
$GLOBALS['wp_locale'] = new WP_Locale();
Добавить свой пример
Список изменений
С версии 2.1.0
С версии 4.6.0
Moved to its own file from wp-includes/locale.php.
Код WP_Locale{} WP Locale{}
WP 6.7.1
class WP_Locale {
* Stores the translated strings for the full weekday names.
* @since 2.1.0
* @since 6.2.0 Initialized to an empty array.
* @var string[]
public $weekday = array();
* Stores the translated strings for the one character weekday names.
* There is a hack to make sure that Tuesday and Thursday, as well
* as Sunday and Saturday, don't conflict. See init() method for more.
* @see WP_Locale::init() for how to handle the hack.
* @since 2.1.0
* @since 6.2.0 Initialized to an empty array.
* @var string[]
public $weekday_initial = array();
* Stores the translated strings for the abbreviated weekday names.
* @since 2.1.0
* @since 6.2.0 Initialized to an empty array.
* @var string[]
public $weekday_abbrev = array();
* Stores the translated strings for the full month names.
* @since 2.1.0
* @since 6.2.0 Initialized to an empty array.
* @var string[]
public $month = array();
* Stores the translated strings for the month names in genitive case, if the locale specifies.
* @since 4.4.0
* @since 6.2.0 Initialized to an empty array.
* @var string[]
public $month_genitive = array();
* Stores the translated strings for the abbreviated month names.
* @since 2.1.0
* @since 6.2.0 Initialized to an empty array.
* @var string[]
public $month_abbrev = array();
* Stores the translated strings for 'am' and 'pm'.
* Also the capitalized versions.
* @since 2.1.0
* @since 6.2.0 Initialized to an empty array.
* @var string[]
public $meridiem = array();
* The text direction of the locale language.
* Default is left to right 'ltr'.
* @since 2.1.0
* @var string
public $text_direction = 'ltr';
* The thousands separator and decimal point values used for localizing numbers.
* @since 2.3.0
* @since 6.2.0 Initialized to an empty array.
* @var array
public $number_format = array();
* The separator string used for localizing list item separator.
* @since 6.0.0
* @var string
public $list_item_separator;
* The word count type of the locale language.
* Default is 'words'.
* @since 6.2.0
* @var string
public $word_count_type;
* Constructor which calls helper methods to set up object variables.
* @since 2.1.0
public function __construct() {
* Sets up the translated strings and object properties.
* The method creates the translatable strings for various
* calendar elements. Which allows for specifying locale
* specific calendar names and text direction.
* @since 2.1.0
* @global string $text_direction
public function init() {
// The weekdays.
$this->weekday[0] = /* translators: Weekday. */ __( 'Sunday' );
$this->weekday[1] = /* translators: Weekday. */ __( 'Monday' );
$this->weekday[2] = /* translators: Weekday. */ __( 'Tuesday' );
$this->weekday[3] = /* translators: Weekday. */ __( 'Wednesday' );
$this->weekday[4] = /* translators: Weekday. */ __( 'Thursday' );
$this->weekday[5] = /* translators: Weekday. */ __( 'Friday' );
$this->weekday[6] = /* translators: Weekday. */ __( 'Saturday' );
// The first letter of each day.
$this->weekday_initial[ $this->weekday[0] ] = /* translators: One-letter abbreviation of the weekday. */ _x( 'S', 'Sunday initial' );
$this->weekday_initial[ $this->weekday[1] ] = /* translators: One-letter abbreviation of the weekday. */ _x( 'M', 'Monday initial' );
$this->weekday_initial[ $this->weekday[2] ] = /* translators: One-letter abbreviation of the weekday. */ _x( 'T', 'Tuesday initial' );
$this->weekday_initial[ $this->weekday[3] ] = /* translators: One-letter abbreviation of the weekday. */ _x( 'W', 'Wednesday initial' );
$this->weekday_initial[ $this->weekday[4] ] = /* translators: One-letter abbreviation of the weekday. */ _x( 'T', 'Thursday initial' );
$this->weekday_initial[ $this->weekday[5] ] = /* translators: One-letter abbreviation of the weekday. */ _x( 'F', 'Friday initial' );
$this->weekday_initial[ $this->weekday[6] ] = /* translators: One-letter abbreviation of the weekday. */ _x( 'S', 'Saturday initial' );
// Abbreviations for each day.
$this->weekday_abbrev[ $this->weekday[0] ] = /* translators: Three-letter abbreviation of the weekday. */ __( 'Sun' );
$this->weekday_abbrev[ $this->weekday[1] ] = /* translators: Three-letter abbreviation of the weekday. */ __( 'Mon' );
$this->weekday_abbrev[ $this->weekday[2] ] = /* translators: Three-letter abbreviation of the weekday. */ __( 'Tue' );
$this->weekday_abbrev[ $this->weekday[3] ] = /* translators: Three-letter abbreviation of the weekday. */ __( 'Wed' );
$this->weekday_abbrev[ $this->weekday[4] ] = /* translators: Three-letter abbreviation of the weekday. */ __( 'Thu' );
$this->weekday_abbrev[ $this->weekday[5] ] = /* translators: Three-letter abbreviation of the weekday. */ __( 'Fri' );
$this->weekday_abbrev[ $this->weekday[6] ] = /* translators: Three-letter abbreviation of the weekday. */ __( 'Sat' );
// The months.
$this->month['01'] = /* translators: Month name. */ __( 'January' );
$this->month['02'] = /* translators: Month name. */ __( 'February' );
$this->month['03'] = /* translators: Month name. */ __( 'March' );
$this->month['04'] = /* translators: Month name. */ __( 'April' );
$this->month['05'] = /* translators: Month name. */ __( 'May' );
$this->month['06'] = /* translators: Month name. */ __( 'June' );
$this->month['07'] = /* translators: Month name. */ __( 'July' );
$this->month['08'] = /* translators: Month name. */ __( 'August' );
$this->month['09'] = /* translators: Month name. */ __( 'September' );
$this->month['10'] = /* translators: Month name. */ __( 'October' );
$this->month['11'] = /* translators: Month name. */ __( 'November' );
$this->month['12'] = /* translators: Month name. */ __( 'December' );
// The months, genitive.
$this->month_genitive['01'] = /* translators: Month name, genitive. */ _x( 'January', 'genitive' );
$this->month_genitive['02'] = /* translators: Month name, genitive. */ _x( 'February', 'genitive' );
$this->month_genitive['03'] = /* translators: Month name, genitive. */ _x( 'March', 'genitive' );
$this->month_genitive['04'] = /* translators: Month name, genitive. */ _x( 'April', 'genitive' );
$this->month_genitive['05'] = /* translators: Month name, genitive. */ _x( 'May', 'genitive' );
$this->month_genitive['06'] = /* translators: Month name, genitive. */ _x( 'June', 'genitive' );
$this->month_genitive['07'] = /* translators: Month name, genitive. */ _x( 'July', 'genitive' );
$this->month_genitive['08'] = /* translators: Month name, genitive. */ _x( 'August', 'genitive' );
$this->month_genitive['09'] = /* translators: Month name, genitive. */ _x( 'September', 'genitive' );
$this->month_genitive['10'] = /* translators: Month name, genitive. */ _x( 'October', 'genitive' );
$this->month_genitive['11'] = /* translators: Month name, genitive. */ _x( 'November', 'genitive' );
$this->month_genitive['12'] = /* translators: Month name, genitive. */ _x( 'December', 'genitive' );
// Abbreviations for each month.
$this->month_abbrev[ $this->month['01'] ] = /* translators: Three-letter abbreviation of the month. */ _x( 'Jan', 'January abbreviation' );
$this->month_abbrev[ $this->month['02'] ] = /* translators: Three-letter abbreviation of the month. */ _x( 'Feb', 'February abbreviation' );
$this->month_abbrev[ $this->month['03'] ] = /* translators: Three-letter abbreviation of the month. */ _x( 'Mar', 'March abbreviation' );
$this->month_abbrev[ $this->month['04'] ] = /* translators: Three-letter abbreviation of the month. */ _x( 'Apr', 'April abbreviation' );
$this->month_abbrev[ $this->month['05'] ] = /* translators: Three-letter abbreviation of the month. */ _x( 'May', 'May abbreviation' );
$this->month_abbrev[ $this->month['06'] ] = /* translators: Three-letter abbreviation of the month. */ _x( 'Jun', 'June abbreviation' );
$this->month_abbrev[ $this->month['07'] ] = /* translators: Three-letter abbreviation of the month. */ _x( 'Jul', 'July abbreviation' );
$this->month_abbrev[ $this->month['08'] ] = /* translators: Three-letter abbreviation of the month. */ _x( 'Aug', 'August abbreviation' );
$this->month_abbrev[ $this->month['09'] ] = /* translators: Three-letter abbreviation of the month. */ _x( 'Sep', 'September abbreviation' );
$this->month_abbrev[ $this->month['10'] ] = /* translators: Three-letter abbreviation of the month. */ _x( 'Oct', 'October abbreviation' );
$this->month_abbrev[ $this->month['11'] ] = /* translators: Three-letter abbreviation of the month. */ _x( 'Nov', 'November abbreviation' );
$this->month_abbrev[ $this->month['12'] ] = /* translators: Three-letter abbreviation of the month. */ _x( 'Dec', 'December abbreviation' );
// The meridiems.
$this->meridiem['am'] = __( 'am' );
$this->meridiem['pm'] = __( 'pm' );
$this->meridiem['AM'] = __( 'AM' );
$this->meridiem['PM'] = __( 'PM' );
* Numbers formatting.
* See https://www.php.net/number_format
/* translators: $thousands_sep argument for https://www.php.net/number_format, default is ',' */
$thousands_sep = __( 'number_format_thousands_sep' );
// Replace space with a non-breaking space to avoid wrapping.
$thousands_sep = str_replace( ' ', ' ', $thousands_sep );
$this->number_format['thousands_sep'] = ( 'number_format_thousands_sep' === $thousands_sep ) ? ',' : $thousands_sep;
/* translators: $dec_point argument for https://www.php.net/number_format, default is '.' */
$decimal_point = __( 'number_format_decimal_point' );
$this->number_format['decimal_point'] = ( 'number_format_decimal_point' === $decimal_point ) ? '.' : $decimal_point;
/* translators: Used between list items, there is a space after the comma. */
$this->list_item_separator = __( ', ' );
// Set text direction.
if ( isset( $GLOBALS['text_direction'] ) ) {
$this->text_direction = $GLOBALS['text_direction'];
/* translators: 'rtl' or 'ltr'. This sets the text direction for WordPress. */
} elseif ( 'rtl' === _x( 'ltr', 'text direction' ) ) {
$this->text_direction = 'rtl';
// Set the word count type.
$this->word_count_type = $this->get_word_count_type();
* Retrieves the full translated weekday word.
* Week starts on translated Sunday and can be fetched
* by using 0 (zero). So the week starts with 0 (zero)
* and ends on Saturday with is fetched by using 6 (six).
* @since 2.1.0
* @param int $weekday_number 0 for Sunday through 6 Saturday.
* @return string Full translated weekday.
public function get_weekday( $weekday_number ) {
return $this->weekday[ $weekday_number ];
* Retrieves the translated weekday initial.
* The weekday initial is retrieved by the translated
* full weekday word. When translating the weekday initial
* pay attention to make sure that the starting letter does
* not conflict.
* @since 2.1.0
* @param string $weekday_name Full translated weekday word.
* @return string Translated weekday initial.
public function get_weekday_initial( $weekday_name ) {
return $this->weekday_initial[ $weekday_name ];
* Retrieves the translated weekday abbreviation.
* The weekday abbreviation is retrieved by the translated
* full weekday word.
* @since 2.1.0
* @param string $weekday_name Full translated weekday word.
* @return string Translated weekday abbreviation.
public function get_weekday_abbrev( $weekday_name ) {
return $this->weekday_abbrev[ $weekday_name ];
* Retrieves the full translated month by month number.
* The $month_number parameter has to be a string
* because it must have the '0' in front of any number
* that is less than 10. Starts from '01' and ends at
* '12'.
* You can use an integer instead and it will add the
* '0' before the numbers less than 10 for you.
* @since 2.1.0
* @param string|int $month_number '01' through '12'.
* @return string Translated full month name.
public function get_month( $month_number ) {
return $this->month[ zeroise( $month_number, 2 ) ];
* Retrieves translated version of month abbreviation string.
* The $month_name parameter is expected to be the translated or
* translatable version of the month.
* @since 2.1.0
* @param string $month_name Translated month to get abbreviated version.
* @return string Translated abbreviated month.
public function get_month_abbrev( $month_name ) {
return $this->month_abbrev[ $month_name ];
* Retrieves translated version of meridiem string.
* The $meridiem parameter is expected to not be translated.
* @since 2.1.0
* @param string $meridiem Either 'am', 'pm', 'AM', or 'PM'. Not translated version.
* @return string Translated version
public function get_meridiem( $meridiem ) {
return $this->meridiem[ $meridiem ];
* Global variables are deprecated.
* For backward compatibility only.
* @since 2.1.0
* @deprecated For backward compatibility only.
* @global array $weekday
* @global array $weekday_initial
* @global array $weekday_abbrev
* @global array $month
* @global array $month_abbrev
public function register_globals() {
$GLOBALS['weekday'] = $this->weekday;
$GLOBALS['weekday_initial'] = $this->weekday_initial;
$GLOBALS['weekday_abbrev'] = $this->weekday_abbrev;
$GLOBALS['month'] = $this->month;
$GLOBALS['month_abbrev'] = $this->month_abbrev;
* Checks if current locale is RTL.
* @since 3.0.0
* @return bool Whether locale is RTL.
public function is_rtl() {
return 'rtl' === $this->text_direction;
* Registers date/time format strings for general POT.
* Private, unused method to add some date/time formats translated
* on wp-admin/options-general.php to the general POT that would
* otherwise be added to the admin POT.
* @since 3.6.0
public function _strings_for_pot() {
/* translators: Localized date format, see https://www.php.net/manual/datetime.format.php */
__( 'F j, Y' );
/* translators: Localized time format, see https://www.php.net/manual/datetime.format.php */
__( 'g:i a' );
/* translators: Localized date and time format, see https://www.php.net/manual/datetime.format.php */
__( 'F j, Y g:i a' );
* Retrieves the localized list item separator.
* @since 6.0.0
* @return string Localized list item separator.
public function get_list_item_separator() {
return $this->list_item_separator;
* Retrieves the localized word count type.
* @since 6.2.0
* @return string Localized word count type. Possible values are `characters_excluding_spaces`,
* `characters_including_spaces`, or `words`. Defaults to `words`.
public function get_word_count_type() {
* translators: If your word count is based on single characters (e.g. East Asian characters),
* enter 'characters_excluding_spaces' or 'characters_including_spaces'. Otherwise, enter 'words'.
* Do not translate into your own language.
$word_count_type = is_null( $this->word_count_type ) ? _x( 'words', 'Word count type. Do not translate!' ) : $this->word_count_type;
// Check for valid types.
if ( 'characters_excluding_spaces' !== $word_count_type && 'characters_including_spaces' !== $word_count_type ) {
// Defaults to 'words'.
$word_count_type = 'words';
return $word_count_type;
Cвязанные функции