wp media

Импортирует файлы в виде вложений, создает эскизы, показывает зарегистрированные размеры.

Список команд Описание
wp media regenerate Пересоздает эскизы для одного или нескольких вложений.
wp media import Создает вложения (медиа) из локальных файлов или URL-адресов.
wp media image-size Список размеров изображений, зарегистрированных в WordPress.


# Re-generate all thumbnails, without confirmation.
$ wp media regenerate --yes
	Found 3 images to regenerate.
	1/3 Regenerated thumbnails for "Sydney Harbor Bridge" (ID 760).
	2/3 Regenerated thumbnails for "Boardwalk" (ID 757).
	3/3 Regenerated thumbnails for "Sunburst Over River" (ID 756).
	Success: Regenerated 3 of 3 images.
# Import a local image and set it to be the featured image for a post.
$ wp media import ~/Downloads/image.png --post_id=123 --title="A downloaded picture" --featured_image
	Success: Imported file '/home/person/Downloads/image.png' as attachment ID 1753 and attached to post 123 as featured image.
# List all registered image sizes
$ wp media image-size
	| name                      | width | height | crop  |
	| full                      |       |        | N/A   |
	| twentyfourteen-full-width | 1038  | 576    | hard  |
	| large                     | 1024  | 1024   | soft  |
	| medium_large              | 768   | 0      | soft  |
	| medium                    | 300   | 300    | soft  |
	| thumbnail                 | 150   | 150    | hard  |

Исходный код команд

wp media regenerate

Пересоздает эскизы для одного или нескольких вложений.


wp media regenerate [{attachment-id}...] [--image_size={image_size}] [--skip-delete] [--only-missing] [--yes]

Можно указать Глобальные параметры и следующие:

One or more IDs of the attachments to regenerate.
Name of the image size to regenerate. Only thumbnails of this image size will be regenerated, thumbnails of other image sizes will not.
Skip deletion of the original thumbnails. If your thumbnails are linked from sources outside your control, it's likely best to leave them around. Defaults to false.
Only generate thumbnails for images missing image sizes.
Answer yes to the confirmation message. Confirmation only shows when no IDs passed as arguments.


# Regenerate thumbnails for given attachment IDs.
$ wp media regenerate 123 124 125
	Found 3 images to regenerate.
	1/3 Regenerated thumbnails for "Vertical Image" (ID 123).
	2/3 Regenerated thumbnails for "Horizontal Image" (ID 124).
	3/3 Regenerated thumbnails for "Beautiful Picture" (ID 125).
	Success: Regenerated 3 of 3 images.
# Regenerate all thumbnails, without confirmation.
$ wp media regenerate --yes
	Found 3 images to regenerate.
	1/3 Regenerated thumbnails for "Sydney Harbor Bridge" (ID 760).
	2/3 Regenerated thumbnails for "Boardwalk" (ID 757).
	3/3 Regenerated thumbnails for "Sunburst Over River" (ID 756).
	Success: Regenerated 3 of 3 images.
# Re-generate all thumbnails that have IDs between 1000 and 2000.
$ seq 1000 2000 | xargs wp media regenerate
	Found 4 images to regenerate.
	1/4 Regenerated thumbnails for "Vertical Featured Image" (ID 1027).
	2/4 Regenerated thumbnails for "Horizontal Featured Image" (ID 1022).
	3/4 Regenerated thumbnails for "Unicorn Wallpaper" (ID 1045).
	4/4 Regenerated thumbnails for "I Am Worth Loving Wallpaper" (ID 1023).
	Success: Regenerated 4 of 4 images.
# Re-generate only the thumbnails of "large" image size for all images.
$ wp media regenerate --image_size=large
	Do you really want to regenerate the "large" image size for all images? [y/n] y
	Found 3 images to regenerate.
	1/3 Regenerated "large" thumbnail for "Sydney Harbor Bridge" (ID 760).
	2/3 No "large" thumbnail regeneration needed for "Boardwalk" (ID 757).
	3/3 Regenerated "large" thumbnail for "Sunburst Over River" (ID 756).
	Success: Regenerated 3 of 3 images.

wp media import

Создает вложения (медиа) из локальных файлов или URL-адресов.


wp media import {file}... [--post_id={post_id}] [--title={title}] [--caption={caption}] [--alt={alt_text}] [--desc={description}] [--skip-copy] [--preserve-filetime] [--featured_image] [--porcelain]

Можно указать Глобальные параметры и следующие:

Path to file or files to be imported. Supports the glob(3) capabilities of the current shell. If file is recognized as a URL (for example, with a scheme of http or ftp), the file will be downloaded to a temp file before being sideloaded.
ID of the post to attach the imported files to.
Attachment title (post title field).
Caption for attachent (post excerpt field).
Alt text for image (saved as post meta).
"Description" field (post content) of attachment post.
If set, media files (local only) are imported to the library but not moved on disk.
Use the file modified time as the post published & modified dates. Remote files will always use the current time.
If set, set the imported image as the Featured Image of the post its attached to.
Output just the new attachment ID.


# Import all jpgs in the current user's "Pictures" directory, not attached to any post.
$ wp media import ~/Pictures/**\/*.jpg
Imported file '/home/person/Pictures/landscape-photo.jpg' as attachment ID 1751.
Imported file '/home/person/Pictures/fashion-icon.jpg' as attachment ID 1752.
Success: Imported 2 of 2 items.
# Import a local image and set it to be the post thumbnail for a post.
$ wp media import ~/Downloads/image.png --post_id=123 --title="A downloaded picture" --featured_image
Imported file '/home/person/Downloads/image.png' as attachment ID 1753 and attached to post 123 as featured image.
Success: Imported 1 of 1 images.
# Import a local image, but set it as the featured image for all posts.
# 1. Import the image and get its attachment ID.
# 2. Assign the attachment ID as the featured image for all posts.
$ ATTACHMENT_ID="$(wp media import ~/Downloads/image.png --porcelain)"
$ wp post list --post_type=post --format=ids | xargs -d ' ' -I % wp post meta add % _thumbnail_id $ATTACHMENT_ID
Success: Added custom field.
Success: Added custom field.
# Import an image from the web.
$ wp media import http://s.wordpress.org/style/images/wp-header-logo.png --title='The WordPress logo' --alt="Semantic personal publishing"
Imported file 'http://s.wordpress.org/style/images/wp-header-logo.png' as attachment ID 1755.
Success: Imported 1 of 1 images.
# Get the URL for an attachment after import.
$ wp media import http://s.wordpress.org/style/images/wp-header-logo.png --porcelain | xargs -I {} wp post list --post__in={} --field=url --post_type=attachment

wp media image-size

Список размеров изображений, зарегистрированных в WordPress.


wp media image-size [--fields={fields}] [--format={format}]

Можно указать Глобальные параметры и следующие:


Какие поля выводить. По умолчанию все поля.

Может быть:

  • name
  • width
  • height
  • crop
  • ratio

По умолчанию: Все поля


В каком формате выводить данные.

Может быть:

  • table
  • json
  • csv
  • yaml
  • count

По умолчанию: table


# Список всех зарегистрированных размеров изображения
$ wp media image-size
| name                      | width | height | crop  | ratio |
| full                      |       |        | N/A   | N/A   |
| twentyfourteen-full-width | 1038  | 576    | hard  | 173:96|
| large                     | 1024  | 1024   | soft  | N/A   |
| medium_large              | 768   | 0      | soft  | N/A   |
| medium                    | 300   | 300    | soft  | N/A   |
| thumbnail                 | 150   | 150    | hard  | 1:1   |